Story 12 - Honeymoon ~EdWin~

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Alexander runs into the room where Winry was repairing Edward's automail since a screw had come loose. He looked up at them both.
"Daddy, Mommy? What is a honeymoon?"
Winry smiled down at him,
"Well, sweetie, it's when after marriage, the couple goes somewhere kind of like a holiday, just for the two of them for a few days. It's like a celebration between the new couple."
Edward nods, "Yeah, what your mother said..."
Alexander smiled, "Wow, that sounds so cool! Where did you go to?"
Edward chuckled, "We took a boat to Italy and stayed in a coastal holiday home."
Alexander gasped, "Wow, really?? What did you two do?"
Winry blushed a little but gave Edward a certain look not to mention a certain point of it, but he wasn't looking at her. He was too busy grinning like an idiot,
"Weeeeell, you see, mommy and daddy were still very in love back then and-" He was cut off when Winry hit him on the head with her wrench.
"Edward don't tell that to him! He's only 5 years old!"
Alexander looked confused, tilting his head innocently, "Did you do something bad, daddy?"
Edward rubbed his head with a wince, "No, nothing bad... actually we walked across the beach a little..."
Winry smiled in triumph that he actually shut up about it and changed to a more child - friendly subject.
"Yeah, and we went into the town for a little while the sun was setting. They had beautiful lights up in that town.." Winry smiled happily, remembering them. "It was amazing!"
Edward grins, "And when we went back to the house, we danced!" He looks at her, "Remember that, Win?"
She smiled, "Oh, how could I forget? That time when I taught you to dance, really paid off! And the next morning, you were gone!"
He smiled, "Only to return with some roses for ya! And no normal roses...rare white roses!"
She giggles, "Oh yes, those flowers were beautiful! You still refused to tell me what the real prices for them were... They wouldn't have been for as little an amount as you said they were..."
He rolls his eyes, "That doesn't matter... Just accept that I'm not gonna tell you!"
She sighed, "Fine, fine... "
Alexander smiled, "It sounds so cool! I wanna have a honeymoon!"
Edward and Winry shared a glance before laughing a little and looking back to him.
Edward ruffled his hair with his normal hand,
"Sorry, Alex. You're too young for one..."
Alexander pouts, "Aww... okay....Also, what was it that daddy was talking about? Tell me!"
Winry glared at Edward and he just shrugged a little.

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