{7} Storms and Stores

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Chapter Seven - Storms and Stores


I had survived two more weeks of summer, and even got a part time job at the local diner working with Daniel and Morgan because I knew it would help my dad. He argued with me for a while when I told him I was getting a job but I had already applied and got the job so there wasn't much he could do to stop me. But I couldn't drive so my dad had to drop me off on his way to work and Blaine or Morgan would take me home.

Plus there wasn't much to do with Jaxon working most of the week and only Bailey and Brax to keep me company. Jaxon and I usually did something together when I got off of work like ride horses, depending on when I got off, or just eat dinner if he didn't already have something planned with Isabelle. It was good to have a friend like Jaxon, it reminded me of how close Grace and I used to be.

But I had forgiven Grace, I was tired of hating her, I knew it would take time to be the same but I needed someone to talk to that knew me already, someone I didn't have to explain myself too. Though Daniel and I were getting really close we still weren't as close as Grace and I had been. It took a lot to get a friendship like that.

I was currently at the diner, I was supposed to close up with Daniel, Morgan left after lunch and the owner trusted us to close up. I had been working there a week and he trusted Daniel who had been working there for almost a year.

"Looks like theirs a storm coming in." Daniel said as he looked out the door, the only people left in the diner were a few teenagers hanging out just needing refills of their drinks.

I looked out the window to see dark clouds rolling in, promising a storm, "Wow, looks like it's going to be bad." I said as I saw lightning flash in the clouds.

As I went to clean up the remaining tables just as the remaining teenagers had left, my phone rang. It was my dad.

"Hello?" I asked, holding the phone between the side of my face and my shoulder as I cleaned the table.

"Blaine, do you see how bad it's getting?" He asked. It had just started to rain, "Are you on your way home yet?" 

"Not yet dad, I have to lock up with Daniel." I said finishing up and putting up the dirty dishes, getting ready to lock up.

"Well hurry home okay, I don't want you getting caught in the storm." He said, sounding worried.

"Alright. I'll be home as soon as possible." I said and hung up.

Blaine and I finished up, locked up and ran to his car trying not to get soaked in the process.

Just as he dropped my off the wind picked up and it started raining harder, thankfully he didn't live far away.

I ran into the house where the amazing smell of my grandma's homemade stew greeted my nose.

Bailey hadn't been feeling good so I'm sure my grandma made it to make her feel better. 

I walked into the kitchen and my grandma was pouring the soup into bowls, "We're going to be eating in the living room since your sister doesn't feel well, we're going to put on a movie. Will you help me with these?" She asked and I helped her grab a few bowls, taking one to Bailey with some crackers.

She smiled and signed thank you, she was curled in a blanket and took her soup tiredly.

We gave everyone else their soup and settled down to eat and watch the movie and the storm carried on outside.

We were a few minutes into our movie when there was a knock on the door.

My dad got up to answer it, and me being curious, I followed, my Grandpa right behind me.

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