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Clawing my way back to consciousness was difficult. My mind wanted me to just sleep again, but once I was just barely aware of things, I wanted to stay awake no matter how badly my mind tried pulling me back into the abyss.

The tubes were gone, which made me glad once I noticed. I remembered briefly worrying about waking up with those things, and imagined how disgusting it would feel, like I was choking on something I couldn't spit out.

The lights were dim, which didn't help the whole 'stay awake' thing. Moving my head around was exhausting, as was my limbs and such; everything cracked from disuse. But maybe the drugs were wearing off, so I just kept moving around to make it go faster. My right arm ached, and I remembered it was bandaged. My face ached when I just raised my eyebrows, but my right leg ached worse. It probably wasn't broken, but still messed up. There was a blue little brace thing around my knee.

It felt great knowing I was back in my body, feeling my own skin, the bed sheets, the IV needle even though it wasn't that exciting. I wanted to share it with someone, but the room was empty. Mom and Raff were gone, but I believed they were still in the hospital somewhere, maybe getting coffee or something to eat.

I sat up, with difficulty, but I managed; my back cracked. In the dim light, I could see it was ten o'clock; they must've been starving. I wanted to know if Eli was awake, in his body-

The door opened softly. He came in backwards, probably making sure that no one saw him come into the room. He probably hadn't expected me to be awake. When he turned around, he jumped, bumping into the door. "You scared me."

I laughed. "What're you doing here?"

Gabriel took the chair. "Your mom's down in the cafeteria. No offense, but you don't look anything like your dad."

"He's not my dad. He's her boyfriend."

"Oh. Well... good for her." He leaned back. "How're you feeling?"

"Everything seems to be in order... as far as I can tell. I mean, my arm-" He immediately sat up-a shocked look on his face that definitely scared me. "What's wrong?" I was just about ready to get out of bed, tensed and ready to move.

"You...." Gabriel stood up, really freaking me out with his stare. "Do you... remember?"

I frowned. "Oh, my God-I do." It wasn't like everything replayed in my head at once, like a montage of flashbacks in the movies. It was more like... I could recall certain events, the attempt to get back into my body, Clapton's ring, the police station, the auto body shop, meeting Gabriel... everything... even getting hit in the face by that ghost. I laughed. "I remember everything!" I jumped out of the bed-and immediately sat down again, my left hand to the back of my hospital gown; also, a giant "Ow" for my leg and arm at the sudden movement.

"What's wrong?" asked Gabriel, his smile fading.

"These things don't have a back. Get me that bag over there, please." I noticed the small plastic bag in the corner. It had my clothes, my bag, and my shoes. Gabriel brought it to me and he pulled the curtain around my bed so I could change. I hesitantly got to my feet, not putting a lot of weight onto my right leg.

"Are you sure you want to be up and about right now?" he asked. "You just woke up from a coma.... Maybe you should rest."

"I don't feel like it," I said, rooting through my bag. I held up Dad's lighter, reveling in the fact that I'd kept it with me the whole time, even through almost-death. "Besides, I want to see Eli. How...?"

"He couldn't get back inside," he said quietly. "He went out for a walk, to clear his head. I... stayed here... just in case...."

I frowned at the first part-we had to do something about that. A smile broke out of its own accord at the second part. "That's really sweet."

He scoffed. "Whatever.... I just came back from his room. The Mrs. said there was no change in him."

I took the little brace off my knee; it was grossly bruised. I had to put my messed up leg through my pants first, and use my inept left hand for everything. I then had to wrap the brace thing again around my right pant leg. Getting my shirt on was another struggle. "Ow... ugh...."

"Need help in there?"

"No. Don't you dare come in here." He laughed. I finished changing and yanked the curtain away. "Would Kylie know where he went?"

"Maybe...." Gabriel turned around. "Whoa-you look exactly the same... except your hair's down... and your face...." He crossed his arms, glancing at my braced leg as I limped away. "Shouldn't you stay here? Your mom and... they'll worry."

I was already at the door, catching the lighter haphazardly after having thrown it confidently yet lamely with my left. "I'm up and about-they know I'm fine. Take me to Eli's room-I don't know where it is."

He sighed and led the way, keeping it slow so I could limp in pace. "You're going to get me in trouble. Your mom's boyfriend doesn't like me, just because I'm Eli's friend."

"You don't have to worry about him." I put the lighter back into my bag and started unwrapping my right arm, dumping the bandages in the trash; my arm wasn't that bad. "He's pretty overprotective, but he's cool-you'll see."

"I'll see?"

I had to look away, unable to stop the blush that flooded my face. "Well... assuming we, I don't know, hang out in stuff.... Or is this going to be it? Do I just pay you a fee and send you on your way or what?"

He smiled and shook his head, laughing a little. "No, no-we can hang out.... I-I was just-Oh, look, here it is." Gabriel knocked on the door softly before opening it. "Can I come in? I'm not alone." Someone answered mutely and he walked in.

The room was the same as mine, except bigger. There was a little sofa at the end of the room, with a plastic bag of clothes like mine. The lights had been dimmed down.

Eli looked like he was sleeping. There was no hint that he ever smiled on his face. I didn't like seeing him like that. I wanted Eli to sit up and give me that reassuring smile, the look in his blue eyes that said everything was going to be okay.

Bethany Sans was sitting in the familiar chair by his bedside, both her hands enveloping his. She was beautiful in that fairy-tale-princess sort of way, her light-brown hair framing her oval face. When she looked up at me, the small smile she had faded. "You're Danity Mills."

I nodded, trying to find my voice. "I-I'm sorry about...." I just glanced at him.

"I'll leave you alone for a minute," said Gabriel, already sneaking away. I wanted to make a grab for him-wincing at turning around on my bad leg-but he already shut the door.

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