Chapter 2 ~ Boys

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Kirsten and I reach our chemistry class and we take our seat. The bell rings and the teacher walks in.

"Okay class. Get into partners. It's time for you 2 to have chemistry!" No one laughs. "Come on. That was funny. I knew I wasn't going to get a reaction." No one laughs again. "Just get into partners. "

"Done!" Kirsten says looking behind me. There he sits. The boy Kirsten has been crushing on since grade 9. I keep telling her to just go talk to him but she's too afraid.

"Why won't you talk to him?" I ask her. She has always been such a chicken.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kirsten says playing it off like nothing. She thinks I don't know. That's funny.

"Kirsten I know you were looking at Liam." She acts surprised. What a weirdo.

"Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't. And even if maybe possibly I did like him we're talking about Liam Smith. The Liam Smith. Why would he ever go out with me?" She basically has a panic attack.

"Time for your first project! Everything is on this sheet. Don't mess up! These are very explosive!" Stupid teacher. Why would you ever give Kirsten explosives?

"Kirsten. If you like him ask him. What's the worst that could happen? He says no and you move onto someone better? Boohoo. Now help me with this project!" She can be such a princess sometimes.

After about 15 mins of planning out our project the bell finally rings. Time for gym class. I have to say, one thing I hate is sharing. We have to do gym class with the grade above us. But it's split up. Ugh I can't stand it. This gym class has 20 people. 10 girls and 10 boys. This unit is basketball. Now I'm not the tallest person on the planet but I'm taller then most people. 4 teams. 5 on each. 5 positions. This sucks.

Time for teams. My team is some tiny person named Maddie. She's not a bad player but she's just so annoying. Then there's 2 good basketball players. They're both taller then me but both way better then me. Then finally another short person. Melissa. I swear there's something wrong with her. She sucks right up until she's under pressure. But she's my friend so it's okay.

(If you don't know basketball this might get confusing)
Here's how we got our positions. I was 5. Now 5 is suppose to be your tallest person. I wasn't the tallest person but I was next in line for this spot. Then for position 4 we had Melissa. Then for 3 we had Maddie. Then for 1 and 2 we had the 2 tall boys. Kyle and Jordon. I remember last year he asked me out and I said no. I just wanted to focus on my grades and friends grade 9. high school is a lot harder than it looks. Don't get me wrong I went on a couple of dates and had my first official boyfriend but nothing special.

As we started playing we lost the first game 2-0. I thought my team would do better than this. Next gam occurs and we won. 4-2. Gym period ends and it's time for math. I hate math so much! Too many numbers for my head. If you don't remember I said before that Jube Jube did some of my math homework. By some I mean most. Don't freak out! She did it with me and I understand I just didn't answer the questions.

The bell finally rang and the halls flooded with busy students. As I grabbed my books I was approached by Kyle.

"Hey, you're Cassie right?" He said trying to be cool. Ugh boys. "Ummm yeah why?" I tried to be sweet but it's just not one of the many actions I'm good at.

" Jordan told me you're a hard one to get." He took a step closer. " Look, I prefer to be with my friends then be with some guy who thinks I'm just an object with some use for them. It'll take a lot more to even be my friend. Good luck. " I slammed my locker shut and marched off. As I walk off with pride I bump into Jube Jube. Just the girl I was looking for!

"Jube Jube in da houseeeee!!" She yells and I giggle. We walk into math class like the best friends we are.

After math class the school day ends and we meet at our friendship spot. Kirsten skips in smiling.

"What's up kk?" Jube Jube asks.

"I did it! I finally asked him out!" She shouts excited.

"Who the heck did you ask out?!" Aria yells being sassy.


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