After 45 mins of arguments and unique music choices by Aria, Kirsten is finally ready. It's 7:02 and my doorbell rings. He's here.
"I got your messa... Wow! You look amazing!" They look into each others eyes and smile.
"The power of friendship!" Aria tells throwing her fist up in the air. We all laugh.
"Let's go before they say something stupid. " Kirsten pushes her date away from the door and smiles back. "Thanks guys!" She says and rushes off with Liam.
" so who's up for a sleepover?" I say twisting my body to look at the girls.
" I can't. I've got homework. " Sofia says gathering her stuff
"Sure but I don't have clothing. " aria grabs her bag and leaps up stairs. I giggle.
"Okay why not! Do we walk to school? I enjoy a good walk!" Jube Jube smiles happily. I normally get driven by I forgot that Wednesdays I walk. I hate walking. It's always so awkward! I basically walk with Kyle but he walks on the opposite side of the road. "We walk Jube Jube." I say pushing her up the stairs.
"Oooo. Maybe Kyle will finally talk to you! I mean after all it's been like 5 years. " I completely forgot to tell them! I get up the stairs and open my bedroom door. There stands aria fully dressed and ready to sleep. She picked an outfit out and everything. Damn. I'm impressed.
"I'm ready! What's first? Truth or Dare? Food? Movie?" Aria grabs her phone and sits on my bed waiting for an answer." Gossip Circle!" Jube Jube shouts then jumping on my bed. "Fine fine." I say then carefully sitting on my bed.
"I'm thinking about asking out Marcus. He's tall and my age. Also I've been single for like3 weeks. That's tons of time. The only reason I was with Adrian was because I needed to make Luke jealous. " Jube Jube rants on about her boyfriends.
"Wait. Julie isn't Marcus the guy who cheated on his girlfriend with her best friend?" Aria says while flipping through Instagram.
"I've always like a challenge. And I know my friends would never do that to me. With Cassie by my side no one will hurt me. I mean if hey do Cassie will certainly punch them in the face. I've seen it!" Jube Jube says laughing. " It was one time Jube Jube!" I yell grabbing my phone. I check the time and notice I've got a message from a random number. " one second guys I'll go make popcorn. Wait here. " I quickly yanked my phone off the bed and raced downstairs slamming the door. The message says
"Hey there. Some girl name Sofia gave me your number. Oh it's Kyle but I bet you already knew that." Wait. Why would Sofia give him my number? Did Sofia see me talking to him? Dang it Sofia! I'll get you back for this. What do I do now? Do I be mean? Nice? Both? I'm so confused!
"I see you don't give up easily. What's next? You gonna show up at my house?" I send off my my message and continue to make the popcorn. I place it in the microwave and start it.
"I've know where you lived since you were in grade 7." I smile as I read the message. Those walks home were even more awkward then now. And to think I was in his class once.
" Do you really want to get to know me?" The micro wave goes off and I jump. I drop myphone and I look around. No ones here. I pick up my phone and grab the popcorn. I immediately put in another bag of popcorn. These girls eat like animals!
"I'd like nothing more." This is perfect! My boyfriend has to like kids. I texted my aunt and asked if I could babysit tomorrow night. She has 6 kids and a day care.
"Then babysit with me tomorrow night after school. It's an hour drive so around 4pm to 7:30pm." I smile. This is gonna be fun!
"I'm in."