"Look Aria I've already make my decision. It's just not right!" I step out of the car and race into my house. As I try to slam the door I hear someone catch it.
"Cassie! Relax! Before you go around punching someone, just calm down." Aria yells trying to keep up with me.
"I'm not doing it! And if I have anything to say about it neither are you." I say freaking out. Luckily no ones home. I can be quite loud.
~ Arias P.O.V ~
She gets on my last nerve. She's always been so stubborn! Why can't it be anyone else's way just once?! She loves hurting people but apparently only physically."I'm not doing it! And if I have anything to say about it neither are you." She says pacing around her house. Rich kids, ugh. She's so loud! Normally she's loud but for some reason when ever she's mad her voice gets loud to a whole new level.
"Why shouldn't we? Name one good reasoning." I speak getting annoyed.
"It's selfish. If I want someone to feel pain and sorrow I don't need to whisper behind their back to do so." She answers me with such attitude. As much as I hate to say so she's right. "If she wants to start a rumour, let her. I love it when people mess with me. It's enjoyable!" Ugh. I just want this argument to end.
"You're right," The words Cassie loves most. "Doesn't make me want to do it any less but, since the rumour is about you I'll stay out of it. Just don't harm her just yet. I wanna be there for it!" She begins to laugh as I finish my sentence.
"You've got yourself a deal!" She says laughing. "But I have just one more thing.." shortly after she speaks I'm pulled into one of her hug attacks. "Hug attack!" She yells as she squeezes me till I can't breath. She let's go and laughs.
We walk outside her house where everyone that was once in the car is now out.
~Cassie's P.O.V~
I know I can be loud but I'm only loud because I'm afraid if I'm quite I won't be heard.We walk outside and we get smiles from everyone who was originally in the car.
"I'm bored. Let's do something! It's Saturday afternoon and we're standing here doing nothing." I flip my hair off my shoulder and everyone laughs.
"So what's going on with the plan?" Kirsten asks while linking arms with Liam.
"Nope! But we are going to go get ice-cream and and go walk by the water. Probably play truth or dare, and do something stupid. Cause that's what friends do." I say smiling walking towards them. "And we're all friends." I smile and we all laugh.
"Sorry to interrupt this super touching moment but I'm the only guy here. What about my friends?" Kyle says feeling left out.
"Invite them! The more the merrier." I say still smiling. Shortly after I speak I'm attacked by Jube Jube. She punches my arm and laughs.
"Cassie, you know that includes Kyle right? I don't want it getting awkward." He says confirming with me. I laugh.
"If we can walk on the same side of the road after 3 years of walking on the opposite, I think we can handle this." I say as everyone laughs.
"Where do we meet them?" He asks holding his phone, texting.
"Whatever ice cream place we are meeting at. You're driving so I don't really care. Ice cream is ice cream to me." I say
"Yay! More guys!" Jube shouts and I laugh. She's boy crazy. But I think that's just one of the many reasons why I love her.