Nothing but a Prostitute.

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Chapter One

“I expect you to bring in at least one grand by 5am tomorrow.” Milo said, lighting his cigarette.

“That’s a lot of work Milo.” I replied.

“Shut your fucking mouth you bitch.” He said, grabbing my hair making my cry out in pain. “If you don’t bring in at least one grand you don’t get your hit for tonight.” He said, releasing my hair and pushing me away from him. I stood up and attempted to tidy my hair. If I didn’t get my hit tomorrow morning I would go crazy, I was already starting to get cold sweats from not have having any cocaine since yesterday afternoon.

“Come sweetheart.” Sugar said. Sugar was an older woman who had been in the prostitution business for fifteen years. She had tried to run away and leave multiple times, but each time Milo would find her or she would come crawling back for the cocaine. “How much?” She asked.

“One grand by 5am.” I replied.

“Great, that gives you twelve hours.” Sugar said.

“No one looks for a fuck at 5pm.” I said.

Sugar winked at me, a smile playing on her lips. “I’ll take you to my corner.” She smiled.

Forty minutes later we arrived on a dodgy corner. Across the road was a Chinese shop, but apart from that it was deserted.  “I’ll leave you to it, hun.” Sugar said.

“Thanks.” I replied. Waiting for my next customer, I pull my shirt down lower exposing my breasts more and shortened my skirt. My fishnet stockings were ripped and trashy, but I couldn’t afford new ones as it aggravated Milo having to spend money on me. Even though it’s the money I earned.  Becoming bored, I pulled out my red lipstick and started to reapply it.

“Hi.” A gentle voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a boy not much older than I am holding a bag of Chinese food. He had tan skin, blue eyes and brown hair that finished at his eyebrows. He had a sad smile on his face, looks like he needed some cheering up.

“Heya sweetheart.” I said batting my eyelashes and giving him a fake smile. 

“What’s your name?” He asked. 

“Sparkles.” I replied, biting my lip.

“Your real name.” He said. It took me a moment to realize what he was referring to. For a moment there, I had almost forgotten I had another name. No one called me anything other than Sparkles and no one and once asked what my name was.

“Do you want a good time or not? $300 an hour.” I snapped. Why was he wasting so much time? 

“I just wanted to talk.” He said softly, like he was trying not to scare me away. What was this guy on about? Talking? A guy had never turned me down before; this was why I was so well known on the streets. No one rejected me.

“I’m not interested then.” I replied, seeing and oncoming car and smiling at it but scowling as it passed. “Look could you piss off? You’re making me lose customers.” I snapped again.

“Meet me for coffee then, at Maria’s. 10am.” He said, before turning to leave.

I was so confused by this guy. Its obvious I was a prostitute, I was wearing slutty clothes, a blonde wig and black boots… what did he want from me? I smiled and began to walk over to a car that was slowing down. “Hey there,” I purred. “Looking for a good time?” I said, leaning into the window making sure he could see my breasts. 

“Yes. How much?” A deep, angry voice said.

“$300 an hour.” I replied, doing my famous sexy smile.

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