Chapter One: Where it all starts

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A simple village where it has a fair distance between it and the main city. The people here are kind, the resources cheap, and it has a Mercenary Guild!

Ever since I reincarnated here a two months ago, I immediately signed myself up as a hunter. Due to my experience of combats and a few assassin trainings in my old life, being a hunter is also like being an assassin. Doing missions or tasks in exchange for money.

Right now, i'm already an Elite Hunter. I've become well-known to the townsfolk as the Prodigy Hunter for being able to achieve that level at a young age.

I've also trained my magic. I've recently discovered that my element is air. Second powerful to witchcraft. I've trained non-stop and already reached the level of an S-rank sage, a level which is halfway close to the pinnacle, Z-rank divine god.

I guess this is what they called a cheat. As a mob character, I shouldn't have that kind of talent. Neither my extraordinary looks. But there won't be any problems if I don't get myself involved with the characters. Somehow.

I casually strode down the street towards the Mulberry Forest, a well-known forest that is near the village. It's a famous place for Hunters to hunt some willows, demons or monsters for Ameth. The currency here is Ameth, a crystal which varies in different colors.

Although I have saved enough Ameth to last me for years, the townsfolk here are kind, some are my friends and they always give me free stuff. In exchange, I always fend off strong monsters that attacks the village or run an errand for them.

A certain smell filled my nostrils and I couldn't stop my stomach from grumbling.

"Hey Amber! Back for the usual, aye?" Ben-kun asked.

"Yup. Couldn't hunt with an empty stomach I suppose."

Ben-kun laughed, "Okay. I'll get some of your favorite bread." With that, he strode away.

Ben-kun is my friend and I treat him like an older brother while he treats me as his little sister. He's a famous baker in town. Married to Amy-chan, a local healer. They have kids already, two girls and one boy.

I met him while I was on the way to the forest. At that time, I didn't have any Ameth and I was starving to death. It was my first day as a Hunter. I almost passed out due to hunger but that was when Ben-kun helped me. He gave me food and in exchange, I got a bunch of medicinal herbs for Amy-chan.

I sometimes run errands for them in exchange for a few loaf of bread so I always stop by to eat before entering Mulberry Forest.

"Three of your favorite chocolate bread and a batch of cookies made by your Amy-chan."

I grinned, "Thanks. I'm off now!" I said before saluting.

When I reached the gate, I showed my crystal badge. It has the logo of the Moonlight Mercenary Guild and my name is engraved in the middle.

The village is surrounded by small white fences that only reaches below my knees. Although it seemed small, it's made up off specialized crystals that can protect the village only from intermediate monsters.

And that's when Moonlight Mercenary Guild takes it role. They send higher rank hunters to fend off strong monsters that attacks the village. In this village, hunters aren't only respected as only hunters but heroes as well.

The young guard only nodded and I casually entered the Mulberry Forest. Some intermediate rank hunters guard the gate so that kids won't be entering the forest and gets in danger.

I started eating my third chocolate bread before looking at the paper where my mission is written.

The mayor of the town, Venus-sama, sent me this mission. It tells here that there are people that got stuck in the Meadow of Monsters. My mission is to help them get to town safely while getting some few veggies for the local market and a few hares for the meat store.

I put the paper in my small bag before pulling out a plastic full of cookies. I readied my weapon and started walking towards the meadow while eating the cookies.


A brown monster with sharp teeth appeared in front of me. Its a large brown furball with one eye. I huffed. A Fluff monster. Intermediate level and highly territorial.

I tilted my head before grabbing the red ball in my small bag. I threw it and fused it with some air magic. The monster swallowed it and after a few minutes, it exploded and its brown fur covered the forest. In place of the previous monster is a brown rock. I grabbed it before putting inside my small bag and continued with my walk.

Monsters, demons or willows, if killed they turn into a rock or crystal, depending on the monster's level. You can exchange the rock for Ameth.

I followed a stony path towards the meadow. While walking I killed a few hares and grabbed some veggies on the way.

After a few minutes, I finally arrived at the meadow. The meadow is wide with green grass, a waterfall and countless of veggies, an ideal place for monsters to live and for hunters to hunt.

In the middle of a meadow are three guys, I couldn't see their faces though because they were wearing bandanna's that covered their mouth. One of the three is injured, one is protecting the guy who is fighting with a dozen of monsters. Different colored Fluff monsters.

Actually, these monsters are easy to deal with if you knew their weakness. And because I created them, I knew what their weaknesses are.

I whistled, earning the attention of the Fluff monsters and the three guys.


The Fluff monsters shouted angrily as they all ran towards my direction. I grabbed a handful of different colored balls and threw them at the monsters direction. The monsters stopped and stared at it before each eating one happily. After a while, all of the Fluff monsters exploded leaving only different colored rocks which I put inside my bag.

The Fluff monsters weakness are bright colored things. They'll eat it as long as its colorful. That's why I always wear my dark blue cloak.

I turned and look at the three guys. One is injured, one is panting heavily while the other one is covered in blood.

"Who... are you?" The one that is covered in blood asked.

I only kept silent before using air magic to lift the three.

"Hey! Put us down!"

"Don't shout stupid! Or you'll attract the monsters attention." I whispered loudly.

I flicked my fingers and we've arrived at the town's clinic. Amy-chan greeted me.

"People wandering the Meadow of Monsters? They're just plain dumb." Amy-chan commented earning a glare from the three guys.

Despite the glare, Amy-chan beckoned me to remove their bandanna's.

The three of them shook their heads.

I huffed, "We're just making sure the three of you ain't thieves or criminals."

I used air magic to remove the bandanna's off the three. After I saw their faces, which looked awfully familiar to me, the door bursts open.


"Ahh! Kingdom University's top three leaders, what brings you to our humble town?"

I froze. What?!

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