Chapter Thirty-Two: Clues

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I screamed and screamed but the ghost in front of me playfully winked as she held out her finger to her lips, saying that I should keep quiet.

The hell i'm gonna keep quiet!

The old lady whom I met in the counter is in front of me floating off the ground. And I don't need anybody to tell me that the ghost is Cohtet Cunwic, because she obviously is!

The old lady morphed into a young girl that is about my age. The playfulness in her, gone, as her eyes is suddenly filled with sadness.

She pointed the book with a sad smile. I look at it unintentionally and saw how the vines started disappearing in a blink of an eye. I looked up and saw that the ghost is already gone.

I tried looking around as I rub my eyes furiously.


"Amber! Amber! Are you okay? I heard you scream."

I was snapped out of my daze when I saw Celena and Ralph ran towards me. Both of them have worried faces.

"Ah, i'm... i'm okay. Hehe, I was just shocked that the vines suddenly disappeared. Look!" I said as I point at the book.

I couldn't tell her that I saw the ghost of Cohtet. She might think that i'm either paranoid or hallucinating. And even if I tell her, she wouldn't believe me.

Celena, who seemed convinced at my lie, look at the book in shock, "Whoa cool! You managed to open the book. I'll leave you alone so that you can start reading it. Ralph, let's get back to work." Celena said as she pulled Ralph along with her.

Ralph staggered, and clumsily followed Celena. The two of them then left me alone, again.

I looked around just to make sure. When everything seemed right, I walk out of the Locked Books Section. After finding a perfect place with good lighting, I immediately opened the book to read.

I calm my nerves as I open the book. The first thing that greet me is a picture of a young girl, that looked like the ghost earlier, although the picture here seemed more lively.

In the title, it said, Cohtet Cunwic, 15, youngest prodigy witch in the history.

The girl in the picture has a bright smile. She has light pink hair and big blue eyes. She's wearing a beret and a school uniform which is a bit unfamiliar to me.

 She's wearing a beret and a school uniform which is a bit unfamiliar to me

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'She looked like someone I know.'

I shook my head to get rid of the thought as I move onto the page. The next page seemed to be Cohtet's personal information.

It seems here that Cohtet's parents are Raymund and Freya Cunwic. Her father died due to a monster attack while her mother died from heart disease a few years after Cohtet's birth. After both of her parents death, she was then take in under Felicity Kliff, Cohtet's grandma and the owner of Infinite Bookstore.

Cohtet's grandma has gray hair and blue eyes and looked really old. She looked like the old lady I met in the counter and the one Cohtet's ghost morphed into earlier.

Right, Cohtet wouldn't look that old if she died early.

Now then, at a young age, Cohtet seemed to show great aptitude in magic because she was able to achieve peak J-rank in the age of four. Through her grandma's careful teachings of magic (Cohtet's grandma is a retired magic teacher) Cohtet was able to pass Ray of Light Academy, the top academy at that time.

This seemed like twenty or twenty-one years ago. As i've heard, KU became number one a few years after Cohtet's death.

After Cohtet passing the exam without a problem, she was immediately accept in the academy. She also participated in the Dimensional Games. In her first year, she won the third place while the second year she won second place. As of the third and fourth year, she became the champion. And even before graduating, Cohtet's level of power has already pass the Z-rank.

Kings, Queens, nobles, and legendary magicians from all kingdom wanted to recruit Cohtet. Even she was offered by Pristine Kingdom. But Cohtet refused all of them and decided to live a peaceful life by helping her Grandma in the bookstore.

Well, that's ...shocking.

And then, at the age of twenty-five is where the tragedy happened. Cohtet is killed by a clean stab in the heart as well as her grandma. Both were found already dead.

I frown, 'That's all for her history? Did she even have friends? A husband?'

I tried searching for more in the book for clues. It didn't tell here that Cohtet had a husband although she has a childhood friend named Felix Valiant. Valiant, huh, I think I heard that name before.

Isn't it the one who cancelled the reservation for the table earlier?

I shrugged. Maybe i'll investigate him later on. I then moved on to the next page and suddenly found something intriguing.

'Cohtet is rumoured to be able to see the future.'

Just the first sentence already got me to sit straight. Although it doesn't show any evidence, there are some cases where Cohtet predicted somethings that actually happened.

The first one is where she told the Velidane Kingdom's ambassador that their kingdom will suddenly fall into ruins after a few months due to corruption. And it saids here that Velidane Kingdom is a secret kingdom about their on-goings and wouldn't just tell other people that their kingdom is corrupt as long as you personally witnessed it. And Cohtet, didn't even visited the kingdom was able to guess accurately as the kingdom was ruined as to what she predicted.

The second one is where she said to the king of Pristine Kingdom that one of his subordinates will betray him and will try to kill the Crown Prince. The king believed it without protest and was able to avoid the situation from happening. Although this one has some loopholes.

The third case is where she advised the father of Zero that Wivenia Kingdom will break their Peace Treaty and will secretly ambush their kingdom. This was also avoided by following Cohtet's predictions.

These can be considered good evidence but some cases has loopholes. I then turned to the next page. I saw a picture of Cohtet and her Grandma working in the bookstore.

I suddenly saw something suspicious. What's wrong with her stomach? Why is she holding it? Although it seems undetectable but if you look at it closely, it seems like her stomach looks a little big?! Cohtet is a fit and thin young woman, how come her stomach is big?!

Wait, don't tell me, Cohtet was pregnant?!

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