Chapter Eleven: Hello Heroine

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"Yes! I'm free!" I shouted as I get off the carriage and did a little bit of stretching.

The ride only took thirty minutes but for me it seemed like an hour. Sitting on Venus-sama's lap the whole ride made my whole body ache and stiff. And the heated gazes of the six boys didn't help either.

"We're finally here!" Venus-sama announced as she look at something behind me. She suddenly sighed, her eyes filled with nostalgia, "Kingdom University is still amazing."

I frowned before deciding to turn around. I gasped in awe as I took a step back to clearly see the whole school. Because I was so focused on getting off the ride and doing a bit of stretching, I didn't noticed the school when I get off.

One word to describe the whole school: Large.

The school is like a large, modern castle or mansion

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The school is like a large, modern castle or mansion. Complete with towers and large windows. It has a huge bell tower in the middle and trees that are almost as tall as the school. Compare to the school, I feel like a little ant and my child-like size right now isn't helping!

"Come on, let's go inside." Venus-sama said excitedly as she fish out the invitation from her purse and gave it to the guard.

The guard looked at the invitation before deciding to open the school gate.

"Please follow me. The tea party is being held at the school's garden." The guard said as he led the way.

While walking, I couldn't help but admire the architecture and design of the school. There are also some unique flowers sprouting near the school that added to the school's beauty.

"Kingdom University really lives up to its name as the number one elite school in the whole dimension." Venus-sama said as she looked around.

"Are you a graduate here?"

"No. I'm from Wisteria Heights." She said, "But I did went to school here for a few months as an exchange student."

I nodded at her statement.

"Did Grandma Jill graduated from here? She did said that the current headmaster is her closest friend." I said.

Venus-sama smirked maliciously, "Yup and the headmaster isn't her friend, silly. There's more to that actually. He's her - "

Venus-sama didn't finished her statement because Grandma Jill shot her a glare.

She laughed, "Oh come on Jilly, why don't you tell them?"

"Shut up." Grandma Jill scowled.

One of my eyebrows suddenly shot up. I turned to look at Shade, "What's that about?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I don't know. The six of us are also clueless."

I frowned.

"We're here." The guard said as he stopped in front of a white gate covered in vines and flowers.

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