Chapter Twenty : Stalker

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Ouch. My head hurts.

I groaned as I slowly blinked my eyes open. Finally seeing my surroundings, I was immediately confused.

What happened?

My head ached. Oh wait, now I remember.

That bastard of a prince used a sleeping spell to knock me out unconscious. But, the question is: Where am I?

I looked around.

Right now, I was laying on a lush and luxurious bed full of fluffy pillows which is draped with red and gold sheets. The room is large. It has dozens of bookshelf, a study desk, a simple vanity mirror and a walk-in-closet. The room has a high ceiling and a simple but expensive chandelier dangling from above. It has large windows situated on each side of the bed.

Unconsciously, I look at my clothes.

I frowned. What happened to my muddy and torn green dress? And why am I wearing a blue sleeveless dress?!

The doors opened and I immediately sat up straight on the bed.

When I finally saw who entered, I immediately glared at him.

Zero grinned, "Oh, you're awake."

I rolled my eyes and retorted, "No. I'm sleeping with my eyes open."

He chuckled.

"Like the blue dress I gave you?"

I instantly felt my cheeks heat up. I clutched the sheets of the bed angrily.

"Y... you damn pervert!"

He laughed at my response.

"Relax Amber. My personal maid changed your clothes. What? Do you really expect that I was the one who did it?"

My face became red, not only from the embarrassing moment that happened earlier but also because I was angry. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. He easily dodged it.

I only became irritated when I saw that I wasn't able to hit him. Continuously, I kept throwing pillows at him.

"You! You! You damn pervert-jerk-masochist prince! I'm gonna kill you! Just wait- ohmf!"

I wasn't able to finish my insult of him when he suddenly pinned me to the bed. His hands holding my two arms above my head. I continued glaring at him.

Oh how I wish I could use magic right now. If it wasn't for the fact that this room cancels me from using magic or teleportation, I would have wiped this prince off the world already.

Zero chuckled, "My little tigress seemed to be angry."

"Who are you calling 'my little tigress'?! I am not yours!" I spat while struggling to break free from his grip.

He chuckled again, "Oh? But soon you will."

I frown before deciding to spit on his face. He finally lets go and I was able to get away from him. But just I was about to touch the door knob, snake-like arms moved its way towards my waist as it pulled me away from the door.

In just a moment, I found myself being hugged by Zero from behind.

I tried elbowing him but he held me tightly, restraining me from further movements.

"Let go of me you damn masochist!"

He chuckled before whispering to my ear, "Why do you keep calling me a masochist?"

I frown. This guy.

"What? Venus-sama told me that you were a masochist. It was supposed to be a secret that only the higher ups knew."

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