#09 The Darach/Philosophers.

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"Alex's P. O. V."


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Me and Scott park our motorcycles at school while Stiles parks his jeep

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Me and Scott park our motorcycles at school while Stiles parks his jeep. It's pretty late at night and Scott called me for help on something because he knows that I do want to help, but sneaking out of my department with 4 werewolves, wasn't easy at all. Apparently Lydia just 'appeared' in school for some reason.

Me and Scott take our helmets off and Stiles gets out of his jeep. "Where is she?" Stiles asks. "Over here." Allison says and we turn to find her with Lydia. "Lydia?" Stiles asks. "It's the same thing. The same thing as the pool. I got in the car, things were totally different and I ended up here. And, you told me to call you if there's a dead body." Lydia says.

"You found a dead body?!" "Not yet." " 'Not yet?' What do you mean not yet? You're suppose to call us after you found the dead body." "No I'm not doing that again. You find the body from now on." Lydia argues with Stiles. I smell blood and look to my left. I see a police women bleeding and dead. She's on top of the Beacon Hills High School cement like sign.

I slightly poke on Scott's arms with my shoulder and he looks at me, then seeing what I am. "Guys." I interrupt Stiles' and Lydia's argument over finding bodies and they turn around to look at me and Scott along with Allison. "Alex found the body." Scott says while they look at the dead police.

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