5 months into it

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So it's five months into the fifth year and five months since Albus and Scorpius started dating.

Scorpius snuggled up closed to Albus; it was cold. They slept in a dungeon anyways. They've started sleeping together since the beginning of December. It was 1:00 am.
Now at 6:00 am they arose and got dressed. They prep for their classes and ran to breakfast. They were greeted by Lily and Rose, as well as many of their Slytherine colleagues. One of their friends, who knew about them, came over. His name was Jordan Bages. Albus said, "Hey Jordan," walking towards him as he saved two seats for them, "Is the mail here yet?" The Asian boy responds, "Nope, but here it comes now." As he said it an downpour of paper came down. Scorpius ran towards a falling Daily Prophet. He caught it before it hit his morning tea. He sat down next to his boyfriend and held his hand under the table. Jordan and their other friend, Rebecca Halenstein, sat across from them. Rebecca was a medium sized and English, with blonde hair and a scrappy attitude. Albus took a bite out of an pancake, while Scorpius had an bowl of oatmeal. Rebecca and Jordan had scrambled eggs and waffles. Scorpius read out the front page headline, "New Hogwarts Rule." As he read that out McGonagall spoke on the announcements, "A new rule will implemented immediately. This rule pertaining to all students. This is for the safety of the school. At night all faculty members will do random check ups on each dorm and each student. All students must be in their own beds by curfew. Any student out of bed past curfew without an reason, will be punished and 10 points will be taken away from that student's house." Scorpius and Albus looked at each other with worry. Albus made Scorpius come closer to him.

Jordan and Rebecca got up with Albus and Scorpius 10 minutes later to go to class. They went to potions. Professor Slughorn was there writing an recipe on the board. It was for an potion Horace did every year for the fifth years now (I know Harry did it in his 6th okay.) It was Amortentia. Albus knew he had his father's potion book from his sixth year. He knew exactly how to make it. (Too lazy to put the steps down.) Scorpius and Albus were making the potion and then they smelled it. It smelled like each other. Professor Slughorn walked towards the pair.

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