Wake Up

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Third Person POV
"Albus wake up." Said an unfamiliar voice. "Who's there." Asked Al, very confused. He was somewhere, yet also nowhere. "Wake up Al or they'll get you." said the voice again. "Who will get me and who are you?" "Death eaters." Said the voice. Al's pupils shrunk so much that they were almost unrecognizable. He ran and ran, but go nowhere. "Al! This is a dream! Wake up before it becomes a nightmare. Wake up." "But- what's going on." "Not important, just wake up. Wake up Al. Wake up." "I- I can't." "Yes you can." "Who are you." Asked Al again, more panic-stricken than before. "Albus Dumbledore." Said the voice, now more whispy and terse. "What?" "I am part of you as you were named after me. A great and old wizard who has done unspeakable things and knows horrible truths, but wake up Al. Wake up Albus! Wake up!" Said the voice, shouting with a more booming voice than before. Al dropped to his knees and screamed. "AHHHHH!" He screamed in confusion of his current situation. Where was he? Wasn't Albus Dumbledore dead? Was he dreaming? What- Albus' thoughts cut short as a loud, shriek ran through his ears. "Ahh!" He cried in pain. Albus, now writhing on the floor, covering his ears, cried in an unstoppable pain. "MAKE IT STOP!" He screamed into nothingness. The sound only got louder and more painful as the screams increased. Albus screamed again into the nothingness of the place which was consumed in darkness, "MAKE IT STOP!" It was dark for all except a single, faint light that shown over Albus' head. The screams were almost deafening to him, if someone had not appeared in the distance with another faint light. "SILENCIO!" The voice screamed. Then the person disappeared, but not into he darkness, but moved right in front of him. The screaming had ceased but Albus was still in a bit of pain. A hand reached down and a voice spoke, "Son, grab my hand." Albus took it reluctantly. His eyes were watery, but as his vision focused he saw his savior, Albus Percibal Wolfric Brian Dumbledore; one of the men he was named after by his father. Albus spoke in shock, "D-Dumbledore. I thought you were-" "Dead, well yes I am, but this is all a dream. You, right now, are sleeping in the hospital ward of Hogwarts from a dementor attack a week ago. Your family, your friends, and your lover have vistes you." "Y-you know about Scorpius." "Well yes. I am part of your mind, but for some reason I manifested like this. Albus Dumbledore. Now I could turn into something else if you'd like." "N-no. No, that's fine, I'm fine with it." "Good, now shall we take a stroll." As he said that, his hand motioned to a newly forming bridge of rocks. "How?" "This is not reality and anything can happen in your imagination." "Imagination? Isn't that for little kids?" "Oh my, you think you have to grow up at 15. Well imagination is when-" "yeah I know what it is but-" "But nothing. Now let's take that stroll." They walked over the newly formed bridge, he bridge that ceased to have an end. "So, Albus. Can you wake up?" "Um...no." "Well you have to if you don't want to be trapped here forever." "What?" "This place where we are right now is called mind space and in the mind space anything is possible, but if one stays here too long they won't return the outside world and instead die here, in their minds." "So how do I wake up." "That is the question, it is almost impossible to get out of here, but those who do they are brought back in may ways." "Like how?" "Fear, love, etc. Also if you die in here you die out there too." The rock bridge started to crumble beneath Albus' feet. The Dumbledore he was just talking to had disappeared into a thin smoke, but Albus payed no attention to that as he ran across the bridge, until it crumbled both ways. "No no no no!" He screamed in anger. "This is not reality." A voice spoke. So Albus wished for a broom to save him and a broom did come. He flew away from the crumbling bridge and then wished for his wand, which gave him some light to see in the dark. "Wait this isn't reality." Albus made more light pour in and a solid ground for him to land on. It was almost a paradise here, but Albus was very lonely. Starved of love from Scorpius, all he wanted to do was wake up so he could kiss him and maybe do more. Albus sat down on the solid ground and started to weep silently at the thought of not being with Scorpius. "I want to wake up, why can't I wake up." He said angrily as tears dripped down from his eyes. Then his wand glowed with an eerier silver light, as if he casted the patronus charm. His patronus animal appeared and spoke, "I am your conscious and so was the figure before. I am here to help." "Then help me wake up." "You have to do that on your own Albus." The snake spoke, lengthening each "s." "So why my snake?" "Because, why not Albus. Why not a snake?" "Touché, so how do I wake up." "That is a choice for you to make." Albus got up and started walking with the snake. "How though." "I do not have all the answers, but motivation might help. Think of your lover." "I did." "Now how much pain are you in without him?" "A lot." "Then use it as a way to get out of this place." "How though?! How?!" Albus exclaimed in frustration. "I still don't have the answers, but you may the solutions." The snake disappeared and everything faded into darkness again. Albus kept walking though, dredging through the uncomfortable loneliness he bared.
Some time had now passed but it didn't feel like it. Albus was too weary to care though. Then he just fell down onto his knees and sobbed loudly. He couldn't escape, he didn't know how, he just wanted to die from loneliness that consumed him. Then a bright light that shone from a distance. It made a boom sound as it appeared. Albus noticed this and picked his head up. He was quite confused by this, but started to run towards it, in hopes that he could escape for this hell he didn't want. Once he reached the right light he ran though it.
Albus opened his eyes and took in a deep breath. It was quite late at night, so nobody stirred. Albus sat up in his bed and called out for someone, anyone. Madame Pomfrey finally awoke to se who was calling. She ran towards her very confused and dazed patient, hugging him and said, "Oh my, you're awake my dear." "Where are-" "They're sleeping, but it would be best to stir now since it is almost dawn." Albus turned around to see the sun rising in the distance. "Wow." He said. "Yes dear, wow indeed." Said Madame Ponfrey. "Now I shall fetch your clothes and-" "Could you only get Scorpius Malfoy, please. No one else." "As you request." She scurried out to change into her daywear and to get Albus' clothes. She gave them to him and he changed, but still later in the hospital bed. Scorpius was fetched from his slumber, not that it was peaceful. He was given a vague reason to go to the hospital wing. All that was said was something about Albus. Albus was talking to Madame Pomfrey when Scorpius came into the room. Scorpius said shocked, "Albus?" "Who else Scorpy?" Said Albus, arrogantly. Scorpius chucked at Albus' behavior and ran towards him in a hug. Madame Pomfrey had left the boys there. They both tearing up at the sight of each other. "Oh Albus. I thought I lost you forever." "Well you didn't an dim back. Thank you for existing Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy." "Thank you for not dying Albus Severus Potter." Albus punched his boyfriend lightly and then cupped his face in an embrace of kisses. "I love you." Said Albus. "I love you two." Said Scorpius. Scorpius helped Albus go back to their dorm so he could sleep soundly for once in this very long week. Albus and Scorpius wrapped around each other in a tight embrace, not letting go and always staying close  to each other. A promise made that never to be separated ever again, even if it means death.

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