1~Heartbreak Girl

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"You called me up, it's like a broken record, saying that your heart hurts...."

My eyes snapped open, waking up to my favourite song was definitely the only good part of my day. And the thought of only another €35 being between me and a 5sos gig.(I had been saving).

I slumped out of bed and on to the braided rug which covered my knobbly wood floorboards. On my door I saw there was a post-it note with scrawly handwriting all over it. Mum, I thought.

Sure enough it was my mother's apology for going to an early ,meeting at work and also reminding me to buy more milk.

Sighing, I slipped into my Uggs and padded to the bathroom across from my room. Unfortunately, the hot water had somehow run out so I had a quick shower, scrubbing myself with Lynx body wash. It was the men's Apollo edition which-in my opinion- smelled way nicer than the womans.

After completing my usual hygiene routine, which consisted of many squirts from my Hollister body spray, I decided to just get breakfast after my paper round.

I turned to my closet and picked out an old Nirvana t-shirt and a pair of acid wash shorts because it was actually warm for once in Ireland.

After dressing, I had to sort out my hair but as it wasn't so knotty this morning, I lazily pulled it up into a high, messy ponytail.

My tie-dye socks clashed horribly with the grey converse I was wearing but I wasn't going anywhere special so I guess it didn't matter. Grabbing my phone and keys from the counter, I snatched a Lucozade my Mum had left for me and rushed out of the door.


Hope you guys like it even though it's a short chapter! this is first fanfic so it's not perfect :) just so you know : P.o.v means point of view! love you x

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