3~Band Boys

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After about 7 houses I was extremely glad I had worn shorts-it was literally like a desert here!

Okay, we'll maybe not that hot, but I noted that a thermometer near someone's front door read- 27 degrees Celsius. Now that was some kind of record for Dublin.

Birds were all I could hear and allot high I considered myself a 'hippie' that loves nature- I decided I loved my music more.

I got my iPhone out which badly needed a screen protector, but that could wait.
I scrolled though all my albums before hitting on a playlist called band boys which consisted of many songs made by The Vamps (I thought Connor was cute), One Direction (Niall and Zayn were so hot) and of course a mixture of 5sos songs.ALL of 5sos were cute.

As it was Saturday, and I usually get tips on Saturdays, I planned out my breakfast I was going to buy.

I would go to the Starbucks that was only a few streets away and treat myself to an iced coffee, Naked smoothie and a white chocolate and raspberry muffin.

My stomach started to whine at the thought of food, so I was thankful for then gum I had grabbed earlier and put a couple of sticks in my mouth.
The Lucozade Mum had left me was going warm so I chucked it in a nearby bin.

Harry's solo in Little Black Dress came on as I made my way into a ring of houses that surrounded a field and a small park.

I threw a paper towards a front door when a cute boy wearing a football shirt, about 6, ran onto the patch of field ahead of me shadings football.

I smiled and quickly walked around him to get to the fourth house on the ring, wanting to get the paper round done fast.

But this kid did not give up that easily.
He bounded towards me and ran in circles around my legs shouting
"Neeee norrrr" like a fire engine until he got dizzy.

God, this kid was something. I laughed as he plonked down on the grass and panted a bit.
This was my chance! I grinned at the boy and speed-walked to the curb.

As I was waiting for a car to go past, I could hear a whizzing noise coming from behind me. When I turned all I could see was a football hurtling towards me, it would hit me right in the centre of my face if I didn't move.

However, me, being crappy at thinking fast, did not move.

I hit the ground.


I love you guys :D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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