message for you

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This is not a poem. it just for those who feel down or just need a little motivation

Hey, there. I'm just going to that you are a wonderful person. don't change for any one. Be yourself.

I may be young and don't about life yet but i still have some wisdom in me. so i'm telling you, that things in life can be difficult and you feel defeated. so now what, give up? No! you get right back up and fight. you work things out and when you get past the problem, you learn from that mistake.

everyone makes mistakes. i know i do , so many and sometimes i make the same mistakes twice or even five.Now i'm getting a bit personal, and i really don't like talking about my personal life but i been dealing with ... depression, you can kinda tell by my poems well anyways i been struggling with it for a little over a year. i fell , into a endless pit of darkness and negativity and i thought i could never be truly happy. but i found loves one and friends that made me smile and i cherish those moments, so i thought "let's give life a second chance ".

for those who are unsure, depress or just plain sad i have a massage for y'all

You are a amazing, wonderful, brave, beautiful/handsome person. you never know what the future holds for you, give it a chance. ignored hateful comments
Be yourself ,crazy,fan girl, book nerd,any type . Just show the world how marvelous you are
Thank you ,also comment your opinions on my poems or questions.
- Melissa

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