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Willa Jepson walked down the narrow alley with her head down low and her black hood pulled up, covering her face. She only glanced up only when she had to, making sure no one ever saw her face.

Willa had been doing this for days: going into alleys and memorizing Oliver Queen's schedule. She always did that before she attacked. She just had to find the right place and time for her to do so. Oliver Queen's schedule was harder to memorize, he always put something new in his routine, throwing Willa off.

Once Willa spotted Queen in the throng of people, she trailed him to his club, almost making a clean job of it, but once she went in, he was gone.  She figured he went out the back door, so she turned around, planning to go out the front, scale the building, and find him.

What Willa saw didn't surprise her, only made her angry. "I suppose I should have guessed I would run into you, Arrow." She hissed through clenched teeth.

The Green Arrow didn't say anything, he only grabbed his bow.

"I guess I'll do all the talking then!"

"We don't have to do this." Arrow finally said. "You're obviously a kid, Blackbird. I don't want to hurt you,"

"He talks!" She laughed. "I never would've guessed." Willa reached for her daggers and pulled them out completely.  "I guess the boss will pay more if I kill both Green Arrow and Oliver Queen!"

"Why do you do this?" He asked suddenly. "Why do you  kill people?"

Willa merely smirked and stepped forward ever so slightly. "I kill people because I enjoy it." She whispered.  She put her daggers at his throat.  "I'm going to make this quick and easy,"

"You don't have to." He told her softly.

Before Willa could react, Arrow knocked her daggers away, grabbing her wrist in the process. He pulled her wrist behind her back and pushed up, making it so she couldn't move. He grabbed her other wrist, cuffing both together. He cuffed her legs as well and took all the weapons she had on her.

Arrow proceeded to take Willa to the front of the club where a SWAT team was waiting.

"Well, lookie here." Willa laughed.  "You got the whole shindig."

Arrow said nothing as he thrust her towards a large man. The man looked down at Willa before saying, "But she's only a kid."

"Doesn't matter." A blonde woman said besides the man. "She's a mass murderer and assassin."

Arrow ignored the woman and turned back to the man. "Escort her to Belle Reve."

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