Chapter 1

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Mark's P.O.V.




It was only just beginning. A loud shrill beep filled the air, the period was finally over. Moving at my own pace I gathered my stuff and left the classroom. Making my way toward the cafeteria I took my in line. It was a pain but I was hungry. After paying for my lunch I found an empty table. I plugged in my headphones and turned up my music so i could tune out everybody else. Looking around I realized my table was in the sights of some of the jocks. Letting out a small sigh I stood up and shoved my I-pod into my pocket picked up my trash and moved out of the way. There was no need to be put on their hit list this early in the year, no doubt end up there sooner or later, but it was still early in the year so best stay out of their way. I exited the cafeteria and made my way to the library where I would be left alone with relative peace. As I made my way there I realized I had left my bag at the table



"Damn, guess it was to much to hope for to stay off their list very long. Ahh well." I mumbled to myself.



So I headed back to the cafeteria to retrieve my bag. As I entered, I noticed the jocks were playing catch with my bag. Making my way over to where they were i walked up to the one that seemed to be in charge and asked



"Hey, can I have my bag back?"



Having just caught my bag, he said " Oh, do you mean this one?'



"Yes," is all I said, still trying to remain off their hit list.



"Sure, if u can get it." he said before threw it back to one of his friends, who caught and stared to mock me with it.




I needed my bag for next period because it had my homework in it. So I moved toward it and of course he threw it over my head to another jock who sat behind me waiting for it. Sighing exasperatedly, I looked around for something to help me out. I spotted a chair facing away from the table that kinda looked like a pair of steps in between me and the jock that held my bag. So when he attempted to throw it over my head, I used them to get higher up before jumping up right by my thrown bag which I then grabbed out of the air before I landed on the ground right in front of the jock in charge and right on their hit list. Straightening up so I was eye level with him, I said "Thanks." then I turned to leave. At this point, it was dead quiet in the cafeteria. With that, I left the cafeteria and went to the library where I spent the rest of lunch.




The bell for fourth period just finish and I was on my way back to the library. Once there, I started to look for a new book. It was time to get a new one, and I was finished with the last one. I read a lot, not like there was much else to do and it helped that I worked in the library fifth period. So I started putting away the returned books and looking for a new book.



I felt a small tap on my right shoulder.

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