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Edit 6/11/15: This chapter was edited on June 11.


Leo Valdez has updated his status:

LEo Valdez ish hott!


Annabeth Chase: *Leo *is *hot

Leo Valdez: Thanks Annabeth ;)

Annabeth Chase: I didn't mean it like that. -_- I was just correcting you.

Leo Valdez: :(

Leo Valdez: Also, a wild whale has appeared!!

Percy Jackson has updated his status:

sweg is all u need u dont need a diloma 2 get a job


Annabeth Chase: *Swag *you *you *don't *diploma *to

Percy Jackson: i liek 2 spel liek ths tho :(

Annabeth Chase: *I *like *to *spell *like *this *though

Percy Jackson: Annie :(

Annabeth Chase: *Annabeth

Percy Jackson: Can I call you Annie?

Annabeth Chase: *Annabeth

Percy Jackson: I guess that's a no. :(

Percy Jackson has updated his status:

But Annie :(


Annabeth Chase: *Annabeth

Percy Jackson: Pleeeease can I call you Annie?

Annabeth Chase: *Annabeth

Percy Jackson: Pretty please with cherries o top?

Annabeth Chase: *on

Percy Jackson: Please? I will love you forever!!

Annabeth Chase: You already said you would love me forever.

Percy Jackson: Oh yeah..

Aphrodite: *takes screen shot for secret Percabeth tumblr account she certainly doesn't have so don't look it up ok*

BananaJump has updated his status:

Sorry for the long wait for an update.

This chapter's dedication goes to hpfan776.

Dedication goes to a commenter! :)

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