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- Caden -

It wasn't what I expected. Maybe I've watched too many movies and expected an orphanage to look like a slaughterhouse but no.

This place was beautiful and felt so homely.

I drove Rose to the orphanage with her directions. She insisted on driving but hell I wanted to drive her.

"This is it," she smiled as we drove through the gates. 



"It looks like a cottage, just, well, bigger."

She giggled and the doors to the 'cottage' opened.

Three kids ran out screaming for Rose and she jumped out the moment I stopped the car.

She hugged all three girls together and fell down from the impact of them running towards her.

They were all laughing and giggling their heads off though.

I shut the engine and stepped out of the car, arms crossed, watching this little scene in front of me.

I couldn't help smiling, my Rose was so happy.

"Oh my goodness I missed you girls so much!" Rose squealed and the girls giggled. 

"Cassidy we have to show you our tests! Miss Wendy gave us a pop quiz and we all did really well!" The girl that seemed the oldest told Rose.

Her blonde hair was up till her shoulders, She seemed to be 12 years old. She was skinny and pale but full of energy.

Another girl she looked slightly younger, maybe 10 years old. Brown locks till past her shoulders, she just kept smiling without even saying anything. Her small face and rather tall height reminded me of Rose.

The youngest, probably 7 years old, was excitedly running around. Orange red hair that was crazy curly and she kept grabbing onto Rose. 

I cleared my throat and they looked up at me, Rose was beaming, her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were bright.

Oh man I love this girl.

Rose stood up, "Girls, this is Caden. He's my friend and he accompanied me here today to play with you guys."

The girls watched me with wide eyes, then the youngest one yelled, "Cassidy is he your boyfriend?! He looks handsome." 

The oldest one smacked her hand on the youngest girl's mouth to shush her while Rose and I laughed. 

I walked over to them, "Hello girls, my name is Caden. I'm Cassidy's boyfriend though she only wants me as her friend-"

"Caden!" Rose interjected and I chuckled.

The youngest one put her hand out, "Hi I am Maia. I am 8 years old and I like you, you seem nice."

Rose smiled while I shook Maia's hand, "Well I like you too Maia." She hugged me and I almost stumbled backwards, "Wow you're strong huh."

She giggled and grabbed Rose's hand, "Come on come on we have to show you our new room!"

Maia pulled Rose inside and I was left with the other two girls.

The oldest one stepped forward, "Don't worry about Maia, she's hyper active. I'm Anastasia by the way." She held her hand out and I shook it.

"I'm Caden, I suppose you're the oldest?" 

She nodded, "Yeah I am. I'm 12."

Hah, nailed it.

Anastasia gestured for the other girl to come forward, "Come on, introduce yourself."

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