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*********Funeral Day**********
After Mia's death the coroner at the morgue told me she did overdose and it wasn't anything fishy about the autopsy. I was sad to know that someone I once beefed with but we worked things out was now gone. It's Zae's fucking fault because she told me lies and had me running back. I was glad Zae's ass was gone and I hoped she didn't plan on coming back. Today was Saturday and Tamia's funeral. Over the past few days Brea has been here for me making sure I'm okay. Brea told me she doesn't wanna see me go out like Mia. Brea was so sweet and my feelings for her grew stronger. I still was healing but we were getting to become best friends first before we jumped into anything. Brea and I been cool since we worked together but we never had chill time. I sure was gonna miss Mia and I was still shocked she had so much pain inside. She could've talked to me about it but I guess since it was about Zae she didn't. I decided that I was gonna wear my hair straight today so I made my appointment with the Dominicans. I wore Brea's Jordan basketball shorts and her white tshirt. I brushed my teeth once and washed my face and headed out to my appointment.

I'm really sorry about Chantelle losing her friend. This whole week was crazy after Chantelle found her dead. I been here for her because well I'm in love with her. I want Chantelle with me but I'm being patient. Zae really broke her heart and she's just not emotionally ready. I know she likes me a lot though and she finally loosened up. Chantelle deserves the best and I wanna give it to her. From getting people not to run they mouth at work in case we do start dating I gotta transfer. I always played smart because bitches love to hate and gossip. Chantelle has my heart and I even tell my ex who keeps constantly hitting me up that. I finally got tired of her shenanigans and blocked her and changed my number. I wasn't gonna let anybody ruin my chance with my beautiful future wife. While Chantelle was out getting her hair done I was going to the mall. I needed a black tuxedo for the funeral later today. I ate the rest of my breakfast and took a shower. After that refreshing shower I threw on some black American eagle boxers and a black nike sports bra. Than I put on my faded denim true religion jeans and threw on my yellow polo shirt with a navy blue horse. I had my dreads in a style because I got them retwisted yesterday. I was looking damn good as I looked in the mirror. I grabbed my keys off of Chantelle's counter and headed out.

I know that Tamia's death was mostly my fault she loved me but I ain't love her. I felt guilty about having my goons finish her off. She was getting dangerous and I ain't want her doing nothing to Chantelle. She knew how I felt about her and all she had to do was try to harm her. I wasn't going to even let her deranged ass get that far. I wasn't gonna show to the funeral cause me being there would cause hell. I didn't have time for the drama I had been doing good thanks to my therapist. The only thing that I do in Florida is work, go to the gym, and go see my therapist. I felt my soul getting the cleansing it needed. I didn't even wanna date or entertain any of these females anymore. I was working on me to get my woman back. I was going to handle Brea on my own so I told squad to back off. I'm pretty sure she wasn't with her so the whole idea was funny to me. If she was than I was gonna do anything in my power to sabotage their relationship. Chantelle belonged to me always and forever til death do us part. Chantelle was gonna be my wife and have my kids. I sounded deranged but I wasn't I was just in love. Chantelle had my heart nobody could make me see different. Nobody really could understand my feelings for her and why I was feeling the way I was. My true intentions was on my woman  and working on getting better.

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