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***********Divorce Finalized*********
1 week later
I jumped for joy as I left my lawyer's office my divorce was finalized. I didn't need Brea's money houses or cars. We did finally separate our banks and money from being together. Brea was also put on child support and limited child visitations. She hadn't seen Elijah since the day I left her ass. Guess she was too stuck on Natalie to make time for her son. Brea's excuse is I'm always working and I'm not seeing Natalie. Her ass be lying like fuck they looked like they were a happy couple at the mall a few days ago. Brea claims they are just friends yeah friends with extra benefits. Zae went back to Atlanta for awhile and said she would give me time to get myself together. Zae really had changed a lot and had a different mindset. I still was keeping my guard up though. Everybody plays that loyal shit at first but ends up being a ho. I was done with the heartbreak though so I was just focused on Elijah and myself from now on. Zae and I talk through FaceTime all the time though and she's been giving me her undivided full attention. I thought she was dead, but when she came knocking on my door I saw a ghost. She tells me it's not my fault and I always say it is. No matter what she put me through I didn't have the right to try to murder her. Well that lying cheating hoe Brea wanted her dead. I was just doing my wifely duties and letting her know that's what I wanted too. Brea won me over when Zae left but she lost me in a blink of a second. Smh these studs are fucking foolish and don't know what they got until it's gone.

We were divorced Chantelle and I, I couldn't bear the thought of how happy she was. I had fucked up and I had fucked up big time. She was never gonna forgive me. I had been working a lot at the hospital because my reputation was on the line. I hadn't seen my son in awhile. I was making all the excuses in the book. I was a sorry ass excuse for a stud/transman. I wasn't even focused on my transition anymore so I had stop taking my testosterone medication. I still had a penis though and that's what the fuck got me in trouble. A girl with a dick that let her dick think for her. I was wrong on so many levels. Natalie won't leave me alone she grabbed my hand at the mall the other day to make it seem like we were together. Every time Chantelle is out she sees us together. She jumps to conclusions thinking I'm with that girl. I want the love of my life back. I saw Zae and it shocked me I thought she was dead. Somebody fucked up or let something slip up. We watched the sharks eat her up I swear we did. I was really thinking what the fuck is going on. That's weird around the same time Natalie was here Zae appeared. I wonder if they know each other. Something was fishy bout the whole situation but it didn't matter it wouldn't get me Chantelle back. I let temptation get the best of me. I guess being stressed as a doctor makes you do shit you'll regret in the long run. I can't blame anybody but myself though. I just wanted to cry and let it all out so I did. I was home all alone in this big ass mansion sleeping in an empty bed. I had no one I could hold anymore everything was so silent. Ugh I hate this shit but I put this on myself. I smoked me a joint and drifted off to sleep to give my mind a break.

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