The same neighbors as always Part. 1

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Coral opened her eyes and two large black-button eyes stared at her. She screamed.

- Honey? Coral? She opened her eyes again and the one in front of her was her father, her hands on his shoulders and he held her gently. - Are you alright?

- Dad! She hugged him quickly, forgetting the big button eyes she had only just seen; It was probably just a bad dream, or something weird.

Coral's father was sitting on the mattress receiving his daughter's embrace cheerfully, he loved his children, he loved being a father, and he had not seen children for a week. Soon Toby awoke and jumped on his father. The 6-year-old boy looked more like his father than his mother, and it was in every way. Her hair was curly and brown, different from her mother and sister who had that blue outline.

"Come on, children, it's time for breakfast." - The man grabbed the two sons and raised them on the arm, the man was not so strong, but his children were not so heavy.

When they arrived at the kitchen, Coral noticed that she had the furniture in place, she did not know how much she had slept, but probably her father arrived very early and arranged everything with Coraline.

"Wybie, we still have to pack some stuff in the kitchen. Coraline said, not taking her eyes off the frying pan on the stove.

The children sat at the table and Coraline served a great breakfast to them, bacon with egg, pancakes and orange juice.

"Mama, there is no better food than yours. Toby said in that little boy's voice that melted the hearts of his parents.

- Not even. Wybie nodded.

"I would not live without your food." Coral spoke with a mouthful of pancake.

"Coral, do not talk with your mouth full. Coraline felt the table next to her family. "You know I love cooking for you, so you would not want to eat somewhere else.

Everyone there at the table knew the story of the Other Mother, the monster who lived in the apartment just like theirs and who attracted children who felt unhappy for their deadly web. Coraline always did everything so that none of her children felt unhappy next to her, and in this task, she was great.

"Speaking of which, when will I see the little door?" Coral asked, she would never give up.

"Darling, you will not see the little door, because it no longer exists. Coraline knew she had not got her daughter in the same mess as she did, she'd ripped the Other Mother's right hand and tossed it with the key to the door in the well. She knew she had no way out or someone came in. But she felt that slight twinge of concern about it, for Coral was like her, and if she wanted to see the door, she would do anything, even get into trouble.

"How come she does not exist?"

- My love, forget it. Wybie spoke quietly. "I heard they built a really nice playground at the Mall here. Do not you want to go there today?

"I'm not afraid of the Other Mother, and-" Coral saw the expression in her mother's eyes. - I just wanted to see the door.

Coraline sighed deeply and said,

- OK dear. Toby's eyes widened, Wybie looked up from his plate and looked at his wife, and Coral smiled triumphantly. "But it was only after I and your father had sorted this mess up that I was serious when I said that the door did not exist anymore.

Coral opened his mouth to question, but Coraline interrupted her.

"And you're just going to look."

When everyone had finished drinking coffee, Coraline told her children to play outside, to know the grounds of the house and the neighbors, just as she did when she was a child, but she forgot that that was how it all began.

Coral left his brother with some toys in the garden of the house, he was not very interested even in following his sister for exploration expeditions.

Coral went to the front of the house and took a few steps back, watching the house as he walked away, and suddenly came to his head last night's nightmare, the house turning, the whispering well and the hand that looked like a Claw coming toward her, she suddenly remembered and a strange cold ran all over her body. She turned her back to see if the well she saw in the dream was in the same place, but there was only a bush and a fine mist, no well. Coral shrugged and headed back toward the house, but something to his right caught his eye.

A black figure jumped into the fog that grew thicker by the second. She ran toward the figure and saw him move quickly to the other side, she still could not identify what it was, but she stopped when she imagined she might be a giant spider. Coral was not afraid of much, but he preferred that spiders and clowns did not exist.

"Hi." Coral spoke to the figure now standing, and then he stepped out of the fog, raising his head first, just a cat. He looked at her with total contempt and went back to hiding in the mist. 

She made an ugly face at the cat and decided she did not like him. Coral felt an icy hand on her shoulder, which made her leap forward with fright. A tall, thin boy stood before him, holding packages under his arm. He did not look so old, but he seemed to be too tall for his age, whether she was 14 or younger. He wore a black cap on his thin head and his eyes were brown, Coral was annoyed at the way he looked at her. "Who are you?" She asked without hiding the harshness. "And why are you scaring the others like that?" I could have died. "" Sorry. I'm Balt Bobinsky. I live up there in the same ... Balt Bobinsky? What a silly name. Coral gave a slight laugh. The boy seemed to be cool by height, Coral always thought things too tall were not cool. Yes, she was afraid of heights. "It's not silly, really, it's a name ... incredible. - Balt made a point of emphasizing the "incredible" which made Coral rethink about him being a cool kid. - What is it? Coral pointed to the packages beneath the boy's arm. New samples of cheese. He smiled a little and ran straight for Coral, heading home. "Hey, wait. Why do you need so much cheese? Balt was already halfway there, but before he climbed the porch, he spoke without looking back. "Curious like your mother, eh, Miss. Jones. "Coral can hear the laughter in your voice." How do you know my last name? " She cried, but he was gone.Coral stood for a few minutes facing the door in the upper apartment where the boy had come in and thought he saw the face of an old man at the window, but it was nothing. Apartment, she remembered that the mother had already told about the neighbors, they were also part of the sinister story that Coraline had participated in, but she had not said the names, or had said and Coral forgot, and that only meant leaving Coral Would go to the end of his explorations. He decided he would talk to his neighbors downstairs, meet them, maybe they were the same neighbors as always. It was what she expected.

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