The Labyrinth of Lost Souls

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Rudy leaned on the stick that Amanda Spink had given him, growing weaker and weaker, he was looking at the girl with blue and black hair walking beside him, he began to think of the feeling that grew inside him about that girl, he He knew well what it was, knew from the first time he invaded his dreams, from that first day something changed inside him, but there was a problem in that, he was dead. Rudy was cursed by his own mother, blood did not flow in his veins, that was why he could not kill the Other Mother, his heart did not beat, it was frozen, but from the day he saw Coral for the first time he felt a light beat in his Chest, imaginary beats, for his heart was still, dead, and frozen. He also wondered if she could feel the same, if she understood as well as he did that feeling that had come over her, she had been around for so long, centuries, and she was so new to the world. She reminded him so much of her sister Coralyn, strong and determined. Rudy felt sad for a moment, he felt that there was no one in the world who loved him, and realized that the best thing for him would be to finally rest, then wondered if there was paradise for him, and smiled at the thought of meeting his sister Loved there.

"You look like Jeff the Killer. Coral said, noticing Rudy's smile.

Coral did not understand what he was feeling, it was a confusion of feelings that left him distressed and distressed. He was so young, but with a heavy weight on his back, he regretted going to the Other World, should have left things as they were, but he also imagined all these lost souls, all the children, his little brother Toby, his parents, his Neighbors and friends, she knew this had to stop. Coral was also worried about it, if the Other Mother were gone forever, what would Rudy be? Would he die for good? From the first time he saw that boy in his dreams he knew he was the most arrogant and wanted to be away from him, but everything changed, Coral felt something different, knew he did not want to lose Rudy ever.

The Amanda's walked together and talked about how they would do a transfiguration spell, even though they were children, those two girls were full of magic, since they were born they were taught about the Other World that surrounded them, they were fantastic girls, and probably the wisest girls of that generation. Although Amanda's were not related, they considered themselves twin sisters, they always thought the same thing, it was as if their minds were bound by something very strong, and at that moment they thought how they could end it all, they knew that Toby and Coral were the But they cared too much about Rudy too, he was their best friend and they knew he was already dead, from the beginning they knew that his mission was to guide the magical apprentices his sister taught, from generation to generation he would tell the story And when finally the right generation could end the Other Mother, it would come to an end. He could not be helped, and they knew it was nearing its end.

Balt walked back alone looking at the two Amanda's who whispered to each other and to Coral who was a little ahead of Rudy, he was back there in case his best friend lost his strength and fell. Balt was very tall and thin for his age, and was always the most fearful of all, but few knew how special he was. Otherwise he would not be there, sometimes he stuttered when he was nervous, but that was not the case. Fact was that no one had the smell as sharp as his, or hearing, he could hear noises and smell odors at a distance, it was something so magical. That tall, lanky boy was braver than he imagined, he knew spells as much as anyone there and he had more physical strength than they all did, but at that moment he felt weak, he was going in search of children's bodies, Was going to face the Other Mother, and her best friend was doomed to oblivion. He thought of several magic ways to reverse the Other Mother's curse against Rudy, but a curse of those could not be broken, he had no blood, his heart would not beat, he would disappear when his mission was over.

Everyone there knew what they should do, in the end the Other Mother would have to die forever, but only a male of her kind, with the blood of her kind could do that, Rudy had no blood and his father was a cat, Toby was The only hope. He was a descendant of the other Mother, just like Coraline, and like Coral, he had blood running hot in his veins and was "born to destroy," but the Other Mother was quite powerful, she herself had proved that it could also be a "Born to destroy" and not "to protect," but prophecies were prophecies and curses were curses, and blood would have to be in Toby's hands and the Other Mother should cease to exist. But what did they really know? Coral thought of how little brother could be traumatized and that was also always the thought of Coraline and Wybie, they did not want to let their youngest son kill someone, even if it was a monster.

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