Chapter 2

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After a good shower and a late breakfast Jamie was ready to start the day.

She looked down at her clock, which now read 11:30 AM, and decided she wanted to go ahead and drive down to the book store. It was all the way across town so it was a lengthy drive.

   She grabbed her phone and car keys off the top of her desk and walked out into the living room where her mom and dad still sat watching he news.

   "So, I've got a job interview," Jamie stated bluntly, clasping her hands together as she spoke, "so I'm gonna head out."

   There was an awkward silence as both of Jamie's parents stared at her in surprise

  "Oh," her mom said, a hint of disbelief ringing in her tone, "okay, good luck then honey."

Her mom stood up from the couch on which she sat and kissed her daughter goodbye, her husband following close on her heels.

   Jamie's Dad placed his hands in her shoulders, staring deep into her crystal blue irises.

   "Jamie, I am so proud of you," he said softly, "taking the first steps into your adult life can be hard sometimes. But you have grown so much these past few years and now you're getting your first full time job. It's crazy to see how grown up you are when it feels like you were in diapers just yesterday. I know you will soon probably even leave this house and start your own life somewhere else and one day, hopefully far in the future, you will have a family of your own to raise."

   He paused to swallow a lump that was growing in his throat. Jamie could see his eyes welling up with tears that he was trying to hold back.

   "I'm so proud that my baby girl is growing up," he said finally, a single tear rolling down his cheek as he pulled Jamie in for a hug.

   To Jamie her fathers reaction to her simply saying she had a job interview was a little much but she still appreciated it. A small tear even threatened to fall from her own eye as her dad spoke.

   When she was released from her father's firm grip she waved goodbye to her parents and left via the front door.


   "So," a deep, gruff male voice, that was clearly fake, could be heard piercing through the darkness of a small enclosed room, "is she on her way here?"

   "Really sir? But do we really have to do this every time we talk about her?" An annoyed female's voice replied.

   "Yes, yes we do," replied the man sharply, "it's for dramatic purpose and it's a lot of fun."

   "You're so childish," the girl mumbled to herself, "I'm turning on the lights."

  "No! Don't!" The man whined pathetically, his voice suddenly switching from deep to cracking and high pitched, but it was to late.

  The lights were switched on to reveal a small neatly kept office space. With a desk, a few bookshelves, a filing cabinet, and some paintings to decorate it.

   Sitting at the desk was a man of about 29-30. His hair was pitch black and bushy. His eyes were a deep chocolate brown. His mouth was curved into a small frown as he look disapprovingly at the girl who was in the office with him.

   She was about 20 years of age. Her hair was long and blonde with a few streaks of blue running through it. Her eyes were a dark green and her skin was perfectly tanned.

   She stared at the man, annoyance clear as she shifted uncomfortably back and forth where she stood.

   "You really should learn how to have a little fun sometimes," the man stated bluntly.

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