Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"I'm telling you Shane. She's here! And she's real!" I was telling my best friend about Julia.

I heard a shuffling noise in the background. Apparently, he had a date and was not telling me the girl's name. I didn't mind though. He has dated half the girls in his school anyway.

"So, this girl you've always liked moves into the city AND turns up at your door?"


"Cliché," I heard some more shuffling. "Okay. As much as I would LOVE to hear you talk about it, I'm getting real late for my date."

"Who is it with?"

"I don't remember. Bye." He hung up before I could answer. Typical Shane.

I threw myself on the bed and just lied on the bed going through every moment of last night.

We were all sat around the dining table eating dinner as dad and Mr. Smith told us stories about their childhood. It was always fun to hear about the shenanigans my parents did as children. I stared at Julia across the table as she laughed at something that dad said. All of us were laughing and having fun but I couldn't stop remembering the first time I had seen her. I doubt she even remembered me.

Julia Smith. The first time I laid my eyes on her, I thought I'd seen an angel from heaven. She was amazing, beautiful, awesome, and fucking gorgeous; and every other synonyms of beautiful and awesome there is in the dictionary. Okay, you might think I'm exaggerating but I swear you'd feel the same if you saw her. Or maybe it was just me. The first time I saw her was in a pet shop. She was playing with a golden retriever puppy and I swear the scene was so cliché but totally awesome. I knew I had fallen for her then and there. She looked amazing with her brunette hair covering her face while she laughed and giggled as she played with the puppy. She had the most beautiful eyes I had seen and I fell in love with them instantly. The coffee colored eyes left me overwhelmed. We were just thirteen back then but still understood what love meant. And I had fallen a little in love with her that day.

Remember how I told you I wasn't one of those people who can easily talk to strangers? Well, Julia was different. I was so fucking nervous but I was scared that if I didn't talk to her then, maybe I would never get to talk to her ever again. So, I did. I talked to her. We shared our names but no numbers or anything. We talked for a while but she had to leave. I didn't know where she lived, or if she was even from my town. I mean if she was from my town, I would've known. I just knew her name. And somehow I felt satisfied at that time. Even though I knew nothing about her, I had a feeling I'd be meeting her soon. Well, it was not soon. It had been 4 years since I saw her in that pet shop and here she was. Who would've thought that the brunette who didn't realize she had stolen my heart when we were thirteen would be sitting in my dining table with our families and laughing at something my dad was telling us. Okay, maybe not stolen my heart but I like her. A latte.

After we finished dinner, I went to the backyard to sit on the swing that my dad had made for Ty and me when we were kids. I was so lost in my own thoughts about the girl I thought I'd never see again coming back into my life that I didn't realize that she'd occupied the swing beside me.


I squeaked a little because she scared the bejesus out of me. She covered my mouth to shush me, which worked but just left me frozen. She was touching me! And even though she was covering my mouth to stop me from screaming I felt tingles due to our skin contact and I sat there frozen, with wide eyes.

Damn, her hand smells soo good.

She giggled as she removed her hand and I felt myself craving for her touch as soon as she removed her hand. "Sorry, I didn't know you'd scream." She said with an apologetic smile.

God this is embarrassing! She probably thinks I'm a scaredy-cat.

Well, that isn't wrong. You are a scaredy-cat, Alex.

"It's okay."

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. We all have our moments." That made me smile.

I turned my head towards the sky. The sky looked so beautiful tonight. The stars looked brighter and there were more of them. I heard Julia sigh beside me. I turned to look at her staring at the sky. She was taking in the beauty of the sky and I took in her beauty. She was just as beautiful as she was when we were thirteen; even more beautiful if possible. Her coffee colored eyes twinkled as she looked at the stars just like they did when she was playing with the puppy, and when she was laughing earlier. She had a smile on her face and she looked so content with the view right now. And I loved it. I thought the sky looked beautiful tonight but Julia looked even more amazing.

"Stop staring at me Alex."

Shit! She caught you dude.

She turned to look at me and I felt myself turning red. I bet I was as red as a tomato.

I turned back to the sky and tried to change the topic.

"The sky looks amazing tonight."

"Yes, it does." Even though I wasn't facing her, I could tell she was smiling.

"Have you ever wanted to stargaze?" I found myself asking.

I turned to look at her and she had a sad smile. "Yes, I do. But Nat is always busy and well...."


"Umm...Nathan, he's my boyfriend." And there goes my chance of ever winning her heart.

"Oh. Sorry about that."

"Sorry? Why?"

"Nathan." Dude! That was a very bad joke. I swear your second impression is not turning good.

She laughed at my joke nonetheless and it warmed my heart to see her smile.

"So how's your summer vacation going on?"

"I don't really know. I've been in front of my laptop for almost as long as I remember," she gave an embarrassing smile, "what about you? How's your vacation going on?"

"Well, I spend most of the days at Shane's, my best friend. Other days I hang out with the girls. And only sometimes do I get to binge watch my favorite series. Not as fun as yours, trust me." I winked after the last line.

Awwww. The dumbass winks. Who the fuck winks?

Hey, at least she laughed. Well, giggled. I'm proud.

Then, she suggested the craziest idea. "Hey, we should hangout sometimes."

Woah, did she just ask you out?

No dude, she has a boyfriend.

Stay calm. Stay calm.

"Yea-"I cleared my throat, "Yeah, sure."

Hats off to Alex for staying calm.

She held out her hand to gesturing me to hand her my phone. She typed in her number.

"Call me." Then she left.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. My crush just gave me her number and I was trying hard to not do my happy dance. I couldn't help it. I stood up to follow her inside but did my victory/happy dance first.

Having guests in my house instead of a peaceful night didn't suck after all.

A/N: This was just a rough chapter because i've not been able to write. I know it has a twist but well. Anyhoo, vote and comment if you liked it. Love you. xx

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