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jsooyeon_: pft
jsooyeon_: date you? you okay fam?
jsooyeon_: im sorry this is hilarious i can't stop laughing

mtyien: do you know how many girls want to date me

jsooyeon_: sure!
jsooyeon_: zero!

mtyien: well so is the bet still on?
mtyien: hello??
mtyien: hello? sooyeon??

jsooyeon_: ahahahaha sorry i was talking to hyoah

mtyien: what'd she say

jsooyeon_: "sooyeon are you crazy"
jsooyeon_: "why waste time on such a lousy bet when you can join me in watching seventeen"
jsooyeon_: "and also bohyuk"
jsooyeon_: "they're all great."
jsooyeon_: "and also the korean volleyball player. he's cute."

mtyien: i thought she liked another group before

jsooyeon_: idk its seventeen now i guess.

mtyien: who's bohyuk tho

jsooyeon_: bohyuk is wonwoo's brother.

mtyien: wot
mtyien: she's aiming for the brother too???
mtyien: bruh aren't 13 people enough already.

jsooyeon_: idk why don't you ask her

mtyien: i don't want her to tell me about seventeen again.
mtyien: i actually think she's obsessed with them
mtyien: like how im obsessed with you ;);););)

jsooyeon_: ew
jsooyeon_: whats wrong with you ugh

mtyien: im injured

jsooyeon_: what.
jsooyeon_: where.

mtyien: because i fell so hard for you
mtyien: jkjk

jsooyeon_: ew omf
jsooyeon_: you're so cringy omf
jsooyeon_: why am i even friends with you
jsooyeon_: i have to handle a child that is absolutely out of control and a friend that is overly obsessed with seventeen, bohyuk and some korean volleyball player.
jsooyeon_: he's actually q cute tho

mtyien: who?

jsooyeon_: the korean volleyball player

mtyien: psh no im cuter
mtyien: wait i thought we were talking about the bet.
mtyien: now you're leaving me on read how nice.

lost bet [book 1] || mark tuanWhere stories live. Discover now