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Yeah, yeah I know probably not the best thing to name a chapter, but I really do need ideas. If you want me to keep going with this book send me some god damn mother fucking ideas!! HELL! I'll even take personal imagines at this point! Just, just fucking help me out guys, I love y'all and this book has made it so far and I'd love to continue it, but I really need your help! I've asked plenty of times before, but now this is just pitiful. I'm begging you all, I love this book, really I do, and I really wanna keep it going, but I can't unless you all help me. Also I wrote a Jerome x reader imagine down in my journal, but I am currently too damn lazy to type it. And I have to type it on my phone because I don't have internet nor a computer. I am currently writing this at school. So I'm gonna go sorry this isn't a proper update that you were looking for, but I do hope you all consider sending me requests via comments or PM. Bye guys I love you all.

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