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Previously on the chapter "The Kiss"
They go upstairs to Emily's room until suddenly Jake trips and falls on top of Emily.... there lips are just a few centimeters apart... until Jake presses his lips against hers and they kiss! For a second Emily didn't know what was happening but then she reacted. She couldn't resist his soft lips on hers but then a hand presses on Jakes cheek. "Owww.." he moans. "What are you doing!!" she yells. "Emily is everything alright, did Jake do anything!" If Emily's brother find out he will kill him because he's very protective of something that happened two years ago. (Flash Back) Before, Aaron wasn't as protective. Emily was dating this guy named Alex. He was sweet, handsome and a gentleman. They dating for like 6 months. He was very nice but then something changed. He started becoming aggressive! He started hitting her, slapping etc. He abused her and every time Aaron would ask Emily "How are things with Alex?" Emily would always reply "Great" because Alex had threatened her. One day Emily had a short sleeve on.. and her brother just came in her room outa nowhere "Emily you want something to ea- EMILY WHO DID THIS TO YOU!" He yells. Emily had bruises everywhere. Her lips were cracked and had red spots all over her body. Emily began to cry "EMILY TELL ME!" shouted Aaron. "It....was.... Alex" *snif* "WHAT!!! WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!" He screamed. Aaron was furious! "Because I was scared....he threatened me.." Emily said. More tears came drifting down her cheek. "We are going to the police station now!" Aaron said. Before Emily could answer he grabed her hand and they got in the car. Alex was sent to jail for 5 years. Now you know what happened and why Aaron became so protective. (Now after the flashback) "Emily did Jake do anything to you!" Aaron yelled. "No everything's fine!" She yelled back. Jake was thinking of what he did. "What tf is wrong with me!" He says in his mind. "Leave Jake we will work on the project tomorrow!" Emily says. "Ok" Jake said while walking out of her room. While Jake leaves and locks the door of Emily's room Emily just thinks of what happened. "Omg I kissed him! His lips were so soft though" Emily thinks. Emily hits her head "Stop thinking about it!" She tells herself. Jake gets out of Emily's house Jake also thinks of what happened.."Why did I kiss her?" He ask him self. "Her lips were so soft". Jake walks to his house and takes a nap. But he dreams of him and Emily. Back with Emily she's also taking a nap and guess what she's also dreaming of her and Jake. They didn't know they slept for so long. So then came morning. Emily woke up at 5:30 am. It's still very early!"Omgggg why was I dreaming about him! What is wrong with me" she whispers. She gets up and takes a quick shower, then brushes her teeth. She goes back to her room to pick clothes. Then she brushes her long blond hair and curls the tips "Selfie time" she says and smiles!

 Then she brushes her long blond hair and curls the tips "Selfie time" she says and smiles!

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She goes downstairs and eats breakfast. Her brother Aaron is waiting for her to go to college." Omg it's already 6:45" she says while eating. She takes one last bite of her delicious donut and they both go to the car. When they to college Lewis goes up to her. "Hey Emily, you look beautiful today, can I help you with your bag" he says nervously. "Thanks and ok" she says while rolling her eyes. Jake stares at Lewis. "What is he doing!" He whispers. "He likes her!!" He watches them walk to class and Jake follows them. Mason and Daisy walk together since there dating and there holding hands. Emily is just walking next to Lewis looking at something else while he's talking. They get to class and the day goes on. "Emily can I walk you home" Lewis ask. Before Emily can answer Jake comes "No I'll walk her home because we have a project to work on" he says. Jake grabs Emily's hand and they start walking. Lewis was confused but Jake didn't care. The walk was silent and awkward..They got to Emily's house and go to her room. They work on there project without talking to each other. "Sorry about yesterday" Jake says. "It's alright" Emily replies. Emily and Jake both stare at each other for a moment. They both bite there lips. "Gosh I want to feel those soft lips again" she says in her mind. Jake suddenly takes her head softly and he kisses her. They both kiss and Emily and Jake get lost in their world!

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