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After a mishap in theatre where she'd made a cut too long for the laparoscopic procedure meaning that Mo had had to revert to an open one, much to her annoyance, Zosia was pacing the length of the nurses station cursing angrily to herself.
Jac appeared from behind a curtain, and a nurse darted in, laden with a gown and thin blanket for the patient.
The consultant spied the brunette at the desk, and slipped her glasses into her scrub pocket before heading over.
"Doctor March."
Zosia stopped pacing and turned towards her senior, worried that she was going to be confronted about her mistake, as it was highly likely Ms Naylor would have found out before Mo was even out of theatre.
"Where's Valentine?" The red head paused, before something dawned on her, "and why are you not in theatre with Ms Effanga?"
Zosia swallowed, she'd though it'd be bad to be confronted but explaining now seemed worse.
"I... Ollie's in theatre. With Mo... I... I got kicked out." She shifted her gaze to glance at the consultants face before looking back at the floor.
"I made the incision too long."
"Well since you're here and Valentine isn't I guess you'll have to do the ward rounds," Jac picked up a stack of files from beside the computer and dumped them in her Junior's unsuspecting arms, inwardly cursing Mo for kicking the girl out. She wasn't quite sure why she was so bothered that Zosia succeeded, but went along with it anyway.
Zosia just nodded and hugged the files to her chest, before darting off to the first patient.
Jac swiftly turned and strode towards their theatres. She reached the intercom room for Darwin 1 and pressed the buzzer.
"Maureen Effanga, care to explain why you kicked my Junior out of theatre?" Jac's face was set in a disapproving frown, and Mo hoped she could charm the consultant out of her annoyance.
"Zosia? Look, I'm in the middle of a procedure right now-"
"-one that she should have been assisting in, or at least observing."
Mo sighed, Jac clearly wasn't going to let this drop, "Your office after I've done here, Valentine can close up."
"Fine." Jac scowled at her fellow consultant and disappeared back to the ward.
A familiar woman pounced on her as soon as she arrived, and Jac couldn't help but be pleased at her commitment to the job.
"Ms Naylor"
"Doctor March."
The Junior's lips twitched upwards at the corners at hearing her title.
"Uh, Mr Percy is ready for discharge. If you could just give him a check and sign him off then he's all ready."
Jac held out her hand for the folder, nodding as she checked the notes.
"Okay. Anyone else?"
"I've just got to check Mrs Williams and Mr Houghton but I don't think they'll be going anywhere just yet."
"Right well I'll sort this." She turned away from the younger doctor, her red hair swinging in its ponytail as she marched over to Mr Percy's bed in bay 3.
After checking him over and signing his discharge forms, leaving Zosia to help him gather his things and sort his medication, Jac strode back over to her office, noticing the bed in the private side room was taken by Mo's theatre case, who was still out cold with anaesthetic.
She flung the door of her office open and threw down the files, spinning around to face her colleague.
"I'm waiting." She glared stonily at the seated woman, " and you'd better have a damn good excuse for this."
Mo nodded, "she made a mistake, I didn't want another under my watch so I sent her out. She can try again another time."
Jac folded her arms and came closer to Mo's wooden desk, "she could have at least watched. I don't want my junior deprived of valuable theatre time."
"Seriously! With a procedure like that we could barely move the theatre was so packed. I mean, 2 anaesthetists, 4 theatre staff, a nurse and 2 surgeons, a patient and all the equipment and you wanted me to have a junior in there to? You must be mad Naylor."
Jac paused. She hadn't really thought about that.
Mo smirked at the consultant.
"Why do you care anyway? You couldn't wait to get rid of Tara. What's different with Zosia?"
"You need to get some help for that paranoia," Jac smirked, recovering from her silence and regaining her ground, "and I want HDU free within 2 hours. I'm taking Abbie Wells into theatre this afternoon."
Mo stood up and walked out of the office, leaving Jac to ponder her words.
Why did she care? And what was different with Zosia?

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