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Warnings: Mentions of cancer.

Summary: Phil is diagnosed with cancer

Song to listen to: Cancer-My Chemical Romance


Dan POV------

I sat in the waiting room, eager to hear anything about Phil. What happened earlier almost made me sick with worry.


"Phil?" I yelled through the bathroom door. I knocked loudly on the wood. I heard sounds of puking and tried to open the door. It was locked.

"Phil open the door! Let me in please baby!"

I said trying to compel him to follow my directions.

"No Dan! Please go!"

He yelled. I sighed and walked back into my room, grabbing the skeleton key from my dresser and walking back to the bathroom door. All sounds from the other side ceased and I began to worry. I slid the key into the lock and opened the door slowly. What I saw brought tears to my eyes.

Blood. Blood everywhere. Phil was leaning against the toilet bowl and lifted his eyes to meet mine as I stepped into the bathroom. He had trails of blood coming from his mouth and I knew something was horribly wrong. I knelt down beside him and wiped his mouth with my sleeve, trying to clean him up a bit.

"Phil..oh my god.."

He moaned in pain and puked more blood into the toilet bowl. When he was done I flushed the toilet and pulled him up slowly. He moaned in pain again and I leaned him against me, easing him out of the flat slowly. I picked him up bridal style and was shocked at how light he was.

"Dan where are we going?"

Phil asked weakly.

"We're going to Hospital. Hang in there please baby."

I said, starting to run the few blocks to the nearest hospital.

....-....-....-FLASHBACK OVER-...-...-..

I was snapped back into reality by a doctor shaking my shoulder gently. I glanced up at him and he smiled sympathetically.

"Daniel Howell? Phillips boyfriend?"

He said softly. I nodded quickly, awaiting good or bad news. He showed a smile of pity and nodded to a room which I guessed Phil was in.

"He wants to speak with you."

He said and I bolted from the uncomfortable plastic chair and into Phil's room. I walked in and when I saw Phil, my heart literally was smashed into pieces. Phil lay there, tubes covering every inch of him, and yet he managed to smile. I raced over to his side and sat on the side of his bed, careful not to sit on anything that might hurt him. He took my hand and I wanted to rub my thumb over the back of it, but sadly couldn't because of the tube sticking out of his hand. I glanced up at him and he had glassy eyes, a sign he was about to cry.

"Phil, what's happened?"

I asked, not really wanting to know the answer but knowing it was inevitable. He sighed deeply and was thrown into a coughing fit. I looked at him panicked and handed him a glass of water from the bedside table. he gratefully accepted after he stopped coughing into his hand, and drank quickly. He set the glass down and I saw a bloody handprint on the glass. He was coughing up blood. I looked up at him, panic flooding through me,

"Phil! Tell me what's happened! Please!"

I desperately cried. He nodded.

"Dan I have cancer."

He said slowly and carefully. I stood up quickly and started pacing across the room in front of a large window. This couldn't be real. This was a bad dream. A horrible nightmare.

"Dan this is real.."

Phil said as if he read my thoughts. I sat back down and hung my head low.

"How? How bad? How long?"

I asked sadly. My poor Phil..

"The doctor said I've had it since birth and I'm a ticking time bomb. Dan, I've only got a few hours.."

He said sobbing. I was trying to be strong for him but I broke right then. I couldn't lose Phil. I sobbed loudly and Phil pulled me close to him, ignoring the tubes in his arms. We hugged and cried for a long while, until we had nothing left.

"Dan...Im so tired.."

Phil said weakly. I knew he would leave soon and I didn't want him to go. I nodded sadly and laid down beside him. He wrapped his arms around me weakly an I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I love you Daniel James Howell."

Phil said softly. Silent tears escaped my eyes and i sniffled.

"I love you Phillip Michael Lester."

I said softly. I watched his eyes close and seconds later there was a loud continuous beep signaling his heart had stopped.

I sobbed into his lifeless body.

Phil was gone.

(A/N) hey guys sorry for the feels but I was listening to MCR and I got inspired. Sorry if the cancer thing is inaccurate! I didn't do much research, I just used what was off the top of my head! anywhore, hoped you enjoyed! bai!

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