Chapter Five

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When I wake up the next morning the clock read 11:00 and I smell coffee in the air. Did I make it in my sleep? I walk to the kitchen to find Rebecca sitting on our leather couch wearing her outfit from the night before.

"Hey, how was your night? I woulda come to pick you up." I say to her, hoping I didn't sleep through a text or call from her.

She smiles at me. "Matt had to go to work so he just dropped me off on the way. I feel like shit."

"I bet," I say to her. "How'd it go? I think you have some explaining to do about Matt." I say and she smiles a wide grin.

Rebecca begins to tell me about her night with Matt and how all they did was kiss, which she found very gentleman-like. She also informed me that he asked her to be his girlfriend, to which she of course said 'yes'. While she tells me about every little detail, my mind focuses to my exchange with Harry. I don't remember ever being so instantly attracted to someone. But there's something about this guy that I can't ignore, and despite him having a girlfriend, and being my brother's best friend, I want to know more about him.

Becca notices my distraction. "Earth to Zoey... You okay? You seem... like you're spacing out."

I debate telling her it's nothing, but since I'm trying to be open with my new roommate, and friend, I decide that I'll be honest and tell her about last night.

"Well, don't judge me okay?" I say to her.

"Never." Rebecca says and holds up her pinky finger. It's moments like these that I really love Rebecca as a friend. The simple gesture reminds me of something I did with my best friends in middle school, and I can't help but hold up my pinky in return.

"So, last night at the party.... I don't know even know where to start." I sigh.

"Is this about a boy? I don't know maybe.... Harry?" Rebecca replies lifting an eyebrow.

I put my hands over my face. "Was it that obvious?"

Rebecca pulls my hands away. "Well no, okay a little, but not on your end. He was totally staring at you from the stage. And then when I saw him with you after the thing with Austin, I don't know I just assumed you guys already knew each other or something from the way he was acting towards you."

"Really?" I say doubtfully. "I've never seen him in my life, but oh god Rebecca, I don't know what it is about him I just, can't get him out of my head."

"Harry is amazing, seriously." She says with a smile that slowly begins to fade. "But don't get too attached alright? You remember the girl we met at the party, Alexis?"

Alexis, the size zero, platinum blonde? Of course I remember her. "Yeah?" I say as calmly as possible.

"Last I heard they were dating. Which is weird 'cause Harry doesn't really date too often. He dated someone when he was freshman for like a year, but since then he hasn't dated, until Alexis. I mean, they've only been hanging out for like a month." Rebecca says.

I knew he had a girlfriend. I would never picture him dating Alexis, but then again I really don't know him. I decide to make a mental note to stay away from him, since I don't go after guys that are dating. It's girl code.

"Oh, well I mean it's not like I like him or anything. It just kind of weirded me out I guess, the staring I mean. Oh, and him coming to the rescue." I tell her, half trying to convince myself. I feel more uncomfortable by the second, so I decide to change the topic, something that I'm good at doing. "I'm gonna take a shower though."

Rebecca and I spend the rest of the day watching Netflix, of course, and getting things ready for classes. She helped me figure out where my classes were, and gave me the run down of some of the professors I have. After an impromptu trip to target for some last minute school supplies, I return to the apartment complex and park my car next to Rebecca's. As I get the bags out of my trunk, I notice a red rose on her windshield. Attached to the rose is a white tag with a simple smiley face on it. I carry it carefully back up to the apartment with the other bags.

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