Nov 1 to Nov 8

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1 Nov 1991, Friday

Severus shouldn't have been caught off guard but he had been somewhat distracted. He had overheard James Potter asking 'his only friend' Lily to Hogsmeade for the weekend. Although his and Lily's friendship had ended last year, it still hurt, every single day, to see her with Potter; their heads close as they spoke of things only to be heard between them.

The assignment had been to turn beetles into jeweled brooches and before he could dodge the prank, Black had sent a dozen of the beetles like a small army to swarm over his boots and ankles. The beetles were Scarabs and they 'bit' but with their pincer-like mandibles. It was painful and Severus reacted instinctively by aiming his wand at Black and Blasting him with a mild Blasting Hex. It was Potter who countered with a Skin Rash Jinx that had Severus itching like mad. That gave Black the opportunity to ready himself with a Blasting Hex, but McGonagall had intervened.

It was little consolation to Severus that they all lost points and all received detention.

Detention with McGonagall hadn't been terrible and thankfully he had not had to share it with Potter or Black. He did get a lecture and knew that the older woman, once more, was disappointed with him, and then she set an essay for him.

Now released, Severus needed a walk before dinner. The air outside the castle was bracing, welcoming, and he strode with confidence through the lowering shadows on the grounds. He was making his way to the Standing Stones when he saw three, familiar figures running across the grounds. They were headed towards the vicious tree known as the Whomping Willow. His curiosity piqued, Severus silently went after them. They were obviously up to something and he meant to discover what it was.

Snape twisted helplessly in his bed. The blankets and sheets trapped him as he was captured within the nightmare of the past. He tried to call out to his younger self, to stop him, but it came out as an anguished whimper.

The rat, Peter Pettigrew had disappeared somewhere, but Severus didn't really care about him. Potter and Black had vanished into a hole in the tangle of roots beneath the Whomping Willow. Something had stopped its wavering branches and he had to admit he was a bit disappointed in not witnessing either boy getting thrashed by the evil tree. A creak of branches warned him that it was about to start moving again, and so he sprinted. Severus reached the dark hole just as a branch of the Whomping Willow swished behind him, just missing him.

Diving into the hole, Severus could not see and tripped over a root. He was sent rolling down further into the depths and was chagrined to find himself at the feet of Sirius Black. He couldn't see Potter and wondered if he was hiding in the shadows.

"Snivelly Snivellus!" crowed Black. "Are you here to see the djinn, too?" He snickered at some private joke as Severus scrambled to his feet and stepped away from the black haired boy.

"What djinn?" he demanded.

Black's eyes glittered with conspiratorial glee, "They say that a trapped djinn lies ahead in the tunnel, dung head. Whoever releases it gets whatever they wish!"

Severus' eyes narrowed. A small, deep down part of him was excited by the legend of a trapped genie, but on the surface, it was Black relating the tale and the young 6th year Slytherin knew better than to trust anything that idiot Gryffindor told him.

"You're lying, Black," snarled Severus.

"So what if I am?" Black replied snootily and glanced vainly at his fingernails. "Go away then. I'll release the djinn and all my wishes'll come true!"

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