Christmas Vacation Part II

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24 Dec 1991

The Winter Ball at Malfoy Manor was considered one of the biggest, most looked forward to events in the wizarding world. Wizards and witches all over the world anticipated receiving the invitations that were on the finest produced onionskin that was elegantly decorated with edges of burnt silver, and written with gold ink, that was real gold.

However, only two hundred of the invitations were ever sent.

The magnificent ballroom, in the older part of Malfoy Manor, glittered itself, and glittered from the guests. A full orchestra of witches and wizards, provided the music. Opposite the orchestra pit was a sumptuous buffet for the guests that also included a beautiful ice sculpture of Narcissa's favourite goddess, Circe. Dancing couples occupied the middle of the ballroom, while other guests either sat upon velvet covered chairs, or lounges, or mingled with other guests to chat, and to enjoy the many wines and champagnes that were also provided.

Both Hermione and Harry, standing with their parents at the top of the grand staircase, felt overwhelmed by the scene below them. Harry was already gripping his father's hand tightly, when Hermione's hand slipped into his other one. Draco, who had not been old enough to attend the Winter Ball, stood proudly beside his father. Narcissa stood on her son's other side with Hermione next to her.

As the guests realised that their host and hostess had arrived, the orchestra stopped playing, and the gentle sussuration of discourse became hushed. All eyes turned to the top of the staircase and Harry took one step back, and bumped against his father's legs. Snape let go of his son's hand, and placed his hands upon Harry's shoulders, making his son feel a bit more secure.

Lucius stepped forward and held out his arms in welcome. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Winter Ball." A smattering of polite applause greeted the Malfoys. Lucius nodded in acquiescence. "This year, all of my family are old enough to attend the Ball, and I would like to present them to you." Lucius held out a hand towards Draco, who was nudged a step forward by his mother. "My son, and heir, Draco."

Draco smiled, a charming smile nearly the mirror of his father's own, public smile. He then bowed to the applause and moved to his father's right side.

"I now wish to introduce our dear daughter," Hermione stepped nervously forward. "Hermione Iris Malfoy."

As she had been instructed earlier, Hermione curtseyed to more applause. Lucius then took his wife by the hand, and led his family down the grand staircase. Snape, Harry, Draco, and Hermione followed behind.

Harry, Draco, and Hermione were fortunate to find other children, most attendees of Hogwarts, to busy themselves with. The Winter Ball itself was fascinating, but once Lucius and Narcissa had introduced their children to certain people, they were allowed to go off with their counterparts to enjoy a smaller, more raucous party.

Snape, for once, found himself wishing he were a first year so that he could escape, not the ball, but Narcissa, with Harry and the others. He waited, awkwardly, near the large, ornate fireplace, a brandy in one hand.

Ordered by both the adult Malfoys that he dare not wear all black, the Potions Master made a concession in wearing formal robes of forest green over a very dark, grey suit. The suit coat was a fitted Victorian frock coat with the high collar he preferred. The only ornamentation was a pocket watch with a gold fob that stretched from pocket to pocket, and dangled across his slim abdomen. He was oblivious to the looks of interest he was getting from many of the single witches in the crowd.

After she had made her social rounds, which hadn't taken as long as Snape had hoped, Narcissa had cornered him. She had then taken a gilded Dancing Card from a hidden pocket in the skirts of her gown, slipped her arm over his elbow, and moved closer to show him names neatly quilled onto the card.

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