Christmas Vacation Part I

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22 Dec 1991, Sunday

Hermione loved her room, and she loved the wonderful Malfoy library and its climbing balconies to a second and a third floor. Of course, she wasn't allowed up on the third floor, for those were the books and scrolls that the Malfoys had collected over centuries of the family's existence that dealt with the Dark Arts and old magics that had fallen either out of use, or out of favor in the present.

Seated upon the window seat in her bedroom, Hermione sat before a large tome. Her legs were crossed and she was hunched over the book with a Muggle notebook on her lap, but an Always-Inked Quill scratching out notes in her precise cursive. After several minutes she leaned back and sighed down at her notes.

"Too many," she sighed again, rubbing the fingers of one hand against her temple.

There came a knock on her open door and she looked up as she smiled shyly at Narcissa Malfoy. Narcissa walked in and sat down gracefully upon the unoccupied side of the window seat.

"I begin to see what Severus meant when he said 'a book was as a third limb to you', Hermione," smiled Narcissa as she leaned over to look at the large book.

Hermione blushed and gave her new mother a smile. "I love books."

"A love of books is a fine thing, my dear, but you are a growing girl who needs fresh air, just as a growing boy does." Although Narcissa's tone was mild, it was firm and Hermione drew in a breath, ready to protest if her book privilege was going to be taken away again. Narcissa frowned, and any protest Hermione was working up, was bitten back. "Fresh air, play, and time spent in other pursuits, I see, will need to be a rule for you." To take away the sting, the older witch held out her hand for the notebook. Hermione handed it over, a bit sullenly.

Narcissa studied the notebook a moment. "Muggle?" she asked.

"I was saving up for a few of those great research journals that are spelled to copy notes to be saved into a permanent journal." Hermione shrugged. "I don't have much left in my vault, though. Da' had it converted and nearly cleaned out a few days ago."

Narcissa nodded. Hermione's Gringotts vault had only been a mere allowance that was connected to her parents finances. It was inevitable that the girl's father might do something retaliatory such as making Hermione destitute. Saying nothing, for she knew of many plans, besides the adoption, that her husband was working on. Instead, she opened the notebook, which had only been used just recently.

Hermione's notes were neat, organised, and titled. Narcissa smiled at seeing the largest title that read, 'Names I Like'.

"So, you're thinking of the Naming Ceremony," mused the older witch.

"I have a lot to choose from, and some that I like more than others..."

Narcissa interrupted softly as she read a few names from the 'Most Liked' list, "Morgan – the Healer of Avalon, Alexandria – the famous library," Narcissa chuckled at that one and added, "She is also the Protector." Hermione smiled at that. "Narcissa continued, "Nidia – the gracious child." Suddenly Narcissa's eyes lit up. She turned the notebook around and pointed to a name that Hermione had put several stars beside. "Is this a favourite?"

"It has so much meaning," Hermione said softly. She continued, "Faith, hope, wisdom, courage."

"So much of what you are, my dear girl." Narcissa cupped the girl's cheek gently, "Although you are free to choose, I believe this name embodies well, all that you are." The witch rose, and touched Hermione's shoulder. "Now, as fascinating as all of this is, I need you to get dressed. Severus and Harry should be here momentarily."

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