Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Emmy’s POV

I furrowed my brows as I saw Jeremial come into the cabin, brushing off his armored pants. His wings shook also, taking care of the dirt that coated it.

I brushed a little past Dante towards him. “Are you okay?” I asked him.

Jeremial glared at me, causing me to flinch from his intense look. “Do I look okay to you? I just fell from a roof!”

Dante took a threatening step towards him, anger rolling off of him in waves. “Don’t talk to her like that.” He snapped viciously.

I grabbed Dante’s hand to get him to calm down. I glanced back at Jeremial. “How’d you fall off the roof?”

He sighed. “I was trying to go back. Didn’t work out too well.”

I let out a snort and slapped a hand on my mouth when Jeremial glared at me again. After I collected myself, I smiled apologetically at him.

“You can’t go back?” Dante asked him.

Jeremial shook his head. “Not until we are called upon.”

Dante rolled his eyes and looked at me. “We’re stuck with him for a month.”

“What? What does—“ I stopped myself when I remembered when he told me about the Day of Departure. That must be what Jeremial meant when they’re called upon. We really were stuck with him for a month.

“Where are you going to stay?” I asked Jeremial. I actually wonder if anyone could see him and if they could, those wings would surely scare them off.

“With you. I came here for a reason and no matter what, I will fulfill it.” He answered boldly.

“You are not staying anywhere near Emmy.” Dante snarled.

I squeezed his hand, looking up at him. “He has to stay somewhere. What if someone sees him and his…wings?”

“It wouldn’t be our problem.”

“Can he at least stay here? Just until the month is over?” I pouted, hoping Dante would fall for it.

He did.

“Fine.” He muttered under his breath. “Then he goes.”

“Okay.” I smiled.

“Although, it would be my pleasure to leave this foul place.” Jeremial commented.

I tugged Dante back before he could advance on Jeremial. I think I’m going to have to keep the both of them apart if they’re going to act like this all the time. I pushed at Dante’s chest and backed him up until we were out the door.

I turned to Jeremial. “Will you be okay here?” I asked him.

He nodded and smirked at Dante over my head.

Rolling my eyes, I shut the door, leaving me with Dante. I noticed the angels were nowhere to be seen. Maybe they gave up on their obsession with me? “I better get back home. You said my mom’s worried, right?”


“Then let’s go.”

It took a good fifteen minutes to get back home. Dante insisted that he follow me back to make sure I get there safely. I realized once I got back though that I forgot my backpack of clothes. When I told Dante, he assured me that he would get it. I told him I would just get it tomorrow but he cut me off by saying that he’ll get it. He really didn’t want me around Jeremial.

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