Chapter 17

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Short and not too good at all. Mainly a wrap up chapter lol


Chapter 17

Dante's POV

There was a bright, blinding light. There's always light with them. I was in a large room with four large seats at the center of it. And then I saw them. The Archangels.

Michael was at the very left. After him was Raphael. Then next, as I expected, was a frowning Jeremial. Last, there was a hooded figure seating at the far end, his face dark as if covered by shadows. I wondered if it was Uriel, but knew he doesn't usually hide his face.

I glanced beside me and noticed Callum, Kasper, and Gage. Callum gave me a weary look before turning back to the Archangels.

Michael got to his feet, rising above the others. "You are aware of what you four are guilty of, I'm sure."

"It was all me, they had nothing to-"

Callum glared at me. "Dante, no."

"Silence." Michael ordered, his voice shaking the whole room. "You will not speak unless asked."

I remained silent and lowered my head, hoping not to stir any kind of trouble. The Archangels, especially Michael, was stronger than me. If Kasper, Gage, and Callum weren't here with me, I didn't have to even think about it. I'd risk the fury of the god before me, just to stop feeling this pain in my chest for Emmy. But I couldn't do that to them. I had to at least get them out of this first.

"The contract states that no Horseman can interfere with God's will or you will be forced down into the Underworld. And you four casted one of His own into the depth of Hell. For that I should have you tortured and killed. But I will save that for Lucifer because I'm sure he would not be happy to see you all returned back to where you belong."

I wanted to retort, but gritted my teeth instead. He was right. If we get sent back down, Lucifer will be furious and even though he cannot kill us, he will make sure we learn our lesson by torturing us until we can't take anymore.

"You broke the contract that was created centuries ago between you four and Heaven. The consequences are to be sent back down to the Underworld." Michael said, looking between Raphael and Jeremial. "Any objections, comrades?"

"No. I think the decision is just." Raphael agreed.

Jeremial didn't hesitate. "I agree as well."

The hooded man paused, not quickly giving an answer. I took that as my chance to talk and jumped to my feet. "It was not their fault!"

I ignored the others' sharp whispers.

"You do not speak!" Michael roared at me again. "The decision has been made!"

I fisted my hands at my sides, trying hard not to jump him. I had to convince him somehow that it was just me. "I killed that angel. It attacked my brothers and I took action. I killed it and I fucking liked killing it. It was fun." I saw the hooded man flinch when I said that, but disregarded it. "Don't pin that on them. They had nothing to do with it."

"You killed one of our own and you found that fun?" Michael ground out, looking furious at me. "I think I should still just cast you all down anyways. Are we all in agreement?"

"Yes." Raphael said.

"You can't do this! The contract said whoever committed the crime will get casted down. They didn't do anything!" I yelled at them.

"Yes." Jeremial agreed, igniring me totally.


Michael, Raphael, and Jeremial all turned to the hooded figure in surprise. I did too when I heard his light voice and realized it wasn't a guy after all. It was a woman.

"I think he's right. He committed the crime, so he should be the only one sent down. Leave the other Horsemen here to grieve without their brother. It is a torture in itself."

"I suppose you are right." Michael said, strangely quick to get on her side. "All in agreement?"

"Yes." Jeremial said, glancing at the woman.

"Yes." Raphael added.

The woman slowly pulled off her dark hood, revealing her face. My face paled when I realized who it was.

"Yes." Emerson said.

I didn't hear anything else after that. I just stared at her, elated that she was alive. I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms and kiss her, make sweet love to her one last time. I wanted to be the one to assure her mother that she was all right, safe and sound.

But then I felt the betrayal sink in. She wasn't human. And I had a feeling she knew that she was an angel. Why didn't she tell me? Why didn't she talk to me? If she was even my Emerson, she wouldn't have agreed to cast me down at all. She would have tried to stop it. This Emmy couldn't be the one I fell for.

She caught my eyes, hers glistening in the dim candlelight as if she were about to cry. For the first time, I didn't care that she was crying or why she was crying. All I knew was that she lied to me about everything. She was a fucking angel. A fucking angel! Why didn't I believe Kasper when he accused her of being an angel? Because I was already falling for her, that's why. All I knew was that I'd never make that mistake again.

When I felt the fire beneath me and the ground cave in, I vowed to myself that the next time I see her, if I ever do, I want her blood on my hands.

Finished yay! Book 2 is already underway. Have a chapter done already :) yay me!

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