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Previously on Secrets

Beck's Pov

"Beck I bullied you because you were different and I'm sorry for it. I don't know how you forgave me but you did. You let me move into your house and bring Luke with me. We have been dating for the last 11 weeks and we are having a baby together ( on one knee now) so I know that this might seem too soon but I don't care because I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. Beck Jay Haper will you marry me"? says/asks Ash

"Yes I will marry you". I said crying

Everyone starts cheering.

At home

After we got home and put everything in the nursery I cuddle up in bed with my fiance. I can't believe Ash asked me to marry him and I said yes. We both fall asleep with smiles.   


Beck's Pov

(24 weeks pregnant)

(Sixth months pregnant)

I'm officially 24 weeks pregnant and things have going great for my family.  Addison is the size of an ear of corn, is 12.70 inches long, and is 1.50 ounces in weight. She's developing great too. Her lung's respiratory sacs at the tips of the smallest branches are growing and multiplying, adding more surface area for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide which is great because it means that her lungs will be ready by the time she is born.  My symptoms have been that I have mood swings which suck because it means that I have been taking them out on Ash which he understands but I still hate it. I have also noticed that I have shortness of breath which sucks especially when I'm swimming. Addison has been moving a lot more and I can't wait for her to start kicking. 

Ash and I have been talking about the wedding, when should we get married, where, before or after Addison is born, and if we should go on a honeymoon or not. I told Ash that I wanted to get married after Addison is born because I would get to enjoy my wedding. So I think we have decided to get married after Addison is born. 

Today is Saturday and I feel great so that means that I want to go swimming. I'm trying to get Ash, Luke, and Ally to come swimming with me. 

"Please because I don't know how much longer I will feel like going swimming in the ocean before Addison is born". I say

"Okay I will go with you". says Ash 

Luke and Ally agree to go with us so we all change before walking out the backdoor and onto the beach. Getting to the edge of the water where the water is edging closer and closer to our feet. Grabbing Ash's hand I walk us into the water. Feeling the tingling in my legs as they disappear and my tail grows until I'm laying on the beach waiting for the rest to change before we take off swimming.

 After swimming, We head back to the house and I head straight to the fridge to find something to eat because both Addison and I are hungry. I make some chicken alfredo for all of us before sitting down at the table and starting eating.  Halfway into my alfredo, I feel something in my belly and I put a hand on my belly to feel something hit my hand. Pushing down I see the outline of a foot on my skin. Oh my god, Addison is kicking for the first time.  I grab Ash's hand and put it on my belly. 

"What are you doing"? asks Ash

"Just wait". I say

 Addsion kicks where Ash's hand is laying on my belly. 

"Is she kicking"? asks Ash

 I nod my head with a smile on my face and hand over Ash's where it is laying on my belly. 

Ash's Pov

I was about to take a bite of my alfredo when suddenly Beck grabs my hand and puts it on his bare belly.

"What are you doing"? I ask

"Just wait". says Beck

I keep my hand on Beck's belly but as I go to move my hand away, I feel a nudge on my hand. Since Beck's hand is on top of mine, he pushes my hand down and I feel the nudge again and that is when I realize that Addison is kicking. 

"Is she kicking"? I ask to be sure 

Beck nods his head. I'm so ready to be a dad. I know some of what comes to raising a kid since I raised Luke after our parents left but this is different since Addison is my own baby. I first saw  Beck when he started in the middle of 9th grade because he moved and I bullied him because I like him but now we are getting married and having a baby. I never thought that this would be my life at 17 years old. 

Luke's Pov

I'm happy to see Ash happy with Beck and this baby. Ash has never been this happy after our parents left us. When they left us Ash was 8 and I was 4 years old at the time because we only had our grandfather but he was 90 years old and couldn't hear.  Ash had to raise me and him at the same time. I like living with Ash and Beck because Ash would come home from school talking about Beck and how he likes him a lot. I was shocked when Ash told me he is gay because he would bring home girls all the time before Beck. 

 "Luke". says Ash

"Yea". I say

 "You zoned out". says Ash

 "Oh". I say

"Why did you zone out Luke". says Ash

 "I was thinking". I say

Beck's Pov

We spend the rest of the day relaxing until heading to bed. Ash and I rest our hands on my belly and feel Addison kick one more time for the night. We fall asleep with smiles. 

The picture is of Luke's tail

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