Another Cipher?!

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A/N: This story was mainly inspired by this image so. Yeah. There will be many feels.
Obviously, I do not own Gravity Falls. If I did Ciphercest would be canon.
Anyway! Enjoy~!


It was over.

It was finally over.

They had done it! They had stopped Weirdmaggedon! Gravity Falls was back to normal!

They had stopped Bill Cipher!

Now, the yellow dream demon was nothing more than a stone statue, deep in the heart of Gravity Falls' woods.

Everything was perfect for the Pines family. Stan and Ford had been reunited, and even after what they had done to stop Bill, Stan had managed to regain his memories- much to everyone's relief. Dipper and Mabel were happily celebrating with everyone they had come to consider friends and family over such a crazy summer, laughing and crying from joy as they all began to trek back to the Mystery Shack.

Dipper and Mabel were walking along in the very back of the group, with their Grunkles just in front of them. Dipper was listening to Mabel rant on excitedly about the plans she had for their birthday in a week, occasionally adding on with ideas of his own.

But he suddenly stopped as the faint sound of crying could be heard from behind them. Dipper half turned towards the source, looking concerned as he grabbed Mabel by the arm, effectively interrupting her rant.

"What's wrong bro-bro?" She asked, sounding slightly worried.

"Do you hear that, Mabel? It's sounds like...crying..." Dipper responded, slightly confused but still concerned.

Mabel fell quiet to listen, growing concerned as well once she heard the faint sound of sobs.

"We should go check it out, Dipper! What if someones hurt?" She worried, beginning to drag her twin along back the way they had come.

"Wait, Mabel! Shouldn't we tell Grunkle Stan or Ford where we're going?"

"We wander off all the time, Dipper! It'll be fine!"

Dipper couldn't argue with her there, following his twin deeper into the woods. The sound of crying grew steadily louder, and soon they could make out hysterical words being stuttered out between the sobbing, but it was unclear what was being said just yet.

It wasn't long before they stumbled into the clearing they had just left not five minutes ago- the clearing where the statue of Bill was. Dipper immediately pulled Mabel back and down behind several bushes, covering her mouth as she went to shriek in surprise.

She glared at him for that, but Dipper only pointed towards the statue, eyes wide. Mabel turned to look, her expression soon mirroring her brother's at what she saw.

Floating beside the statue of Bill, crying and in complete hysterics, was a blue triangle, slightly smaller than Bill had been. He had a black little bow tie and a black top hat that was slightly bent.

'There's another Cipher?!'


A/N: Well! I hope you lovely people enjoyed! Let me know what you think! I'll try to get the next chapter out tonight or tomorrow!
Also, just because I changed my name, does not mean you lovely readers are no longer my marshmallows. You still is. <3

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