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-Will's P.O.V.-

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether it was really a good idea to answer that. It could make them distrust me more- and I don't have any ill will towards them. (Was that a pun? Maybe. Maybe not.) But perhaps if I was honest with them then maybe they'd be honest with me and tell me how exactly Bill ended up this... That would make it easier for me to figure out how to bring him back without making things worse.

I suddenly came to the realization that they were all just staring at me- again- and I ducked my head down, fidgeting slightly.

"U-Um...B-Bill is m-my twin broth-ther..." I answered quietly, my nerves worsening my stutter.

I could practically feel the excitement radiating from Mabel as she sat down in front of me- yanking Dipper down with her.

"Really?! We're twins too! And so are Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford!"

I looked up at her again hearing that, finding it rather strange. But then again, anything having to do with Bill often was.

Dipper rolled his eyes at her enthusiasm, grinning slightly before giving me a curious look.

"Has Bill always been so...?" He seemed hesitant to finish his sentence.

"Insane?" Ford finished for him, raising a brow as he leaned back against a tree.

I shook my head, looking down at the ground.

"N-No...I m-mean, he's always b-been a l-little cr-crazy, but never this b-bad..." I answered quietly- I could feel Ford's gaze burning into me. I knew he didn't believe me.

"So what happened?" That was the other one- what did they call him? Stan? I think that was it.

"W-Well...Bill had had ps-psychotic br-breaks in the past...p-particularly under e-extreme stress or whenever I g-got hurt b-badly. After he b-became King of the N-Nightmare Realm it g-got more c-constant, but he was l-learning to c-control it. H-However soon p-people began r-revolting m-more, and th-there was s-so much going on at th-the time th-that it put Bill u-under even m-more st-stress. I tried to h-help wh-when I c-could, but he w-was gr-growing more and m-more distant from m-me every day. H-He was d-distracted and his m-mental h-health was depleting- I kn-knew that w-was the only r-reason..." I stopped, shaking a little as the memories came back one by one, playing through in my mind.

Somehow, it had all been so much worse than anything the Gleeful's ever put me through. Watching my brother- my lover- slowly going insane and distancing himself from me no matter how I tried to help him. He'd always managed to save me, and the one time I had a chance to do the same I failed...

I didn't even notice I was crying until I heard Mabel speak up, sounding panicked.

"H-Hey don't cry! It's okay! You don't have to tell us anymore!"

"Yeah, this is all a lot to take in at once. We can take a break- I wouldn't blame you." Dipper added on, calmer than his sister.

I looked up at them in slight shock. These twins really were so different from the ones I had known. I felt bad for all that Bill had put them through- maybe I could do something to make up for it.

Sniffling and wiping away my tears I nodded, giving them a slightly shaking smile.

"I-I'd l-like that, if y-you don't mind...?"

Ford looked like he wanted to protest- and I found myself mentally preparing for the worst before Stan cut in.

"Not at all, kid. In fact, why don't you come back to the Shack with us? I don't know what your kind needs, but you look like you haven't slept or eaten enough lately. We all need a break after this mess." It was funny hearing this man refer to me as a kid- when I was several millennia older than all of them.

"Stanley! You can't just invite a demon into our home!" Ford protested, and I winced slightly- but I didn't blame him.

"Cut him some slack, Poindexter! The kid just lost his brother- and I don't know about you, but I've suffered that feeling three times now, and I'm not about to sit by and watch someone else go through the same thing!" Stan crossed his arms, glaring at his twin.

I blinked in surprise hearing that, my gaze fixed on Stan. I hadn't expected for any of them to really relate to me- or even try.

Ford looked slightly guilty, I noticed, before sighing and nodding. "Fine, but if he tries anything I won't hesitate to shoot him. Got that?" He looked over at me as he issued that warning, and I nodded quickly, terrified.

"Y-Yes, s-sir!"

I barely noticed Stan cast me a concerned look at that as Dipper and Mabel glared at Ford, standing up.

I watched the one who disliked me most turn and stomp off through the woods, Stan sighing and shaking his head.

"Sorry about him, kid. He's just got major trust issues."

"I-It's okay." I hesitantly stood up, looking back at the statue of Bill.

"It'll be okay, he'll still be here- and we can come and check later!" Mabel spoke cheerfully, and I could tell she was trying to reassure me.

"R-Right..." I murmured, my eye glowing faintly as I strengthened the shield that had been there before, making sure it covered the entire statue.

"Well, lets go." Stan sighed, heading off the way Ford had gone.

Dipper and Mabel followed him, and after a moment of hesitation so did I.

I stopped at the edge of the clearing, glancing back at Bill's statue before taking a shaky  breath and looking back ahead at the others, walking after them.

'I'll save you this time, Bill. I promise.'

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