eth is a chicken nug

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U wake up in da mornin. Etan is der in da hole. U get up an get out of da bed. Den u see Etan.
"Bish I thort u wer in bed u no," u say dis.
"Well u thort rong den u uneducated swine," he say dis.
"Yer abar a nugget ye no," u den say.

"NUH" Etan shout dis.
"Wot u ming," u ask dis.
"U FOUND ME SECRET YE SLAG," he yelled dis.
"Eeeeeeee fuk off ye liar," u say.
Etan den turned into a chicken nug.
"C dis?" He sed an den he fly away.
De end

I don't actually write like that and I am not a bad person. I am doing this because I am bored and I cba doing anything else.
Ming - 1. Retard 2. Something disgusting
Slag - Whore

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