The ghost of hookups past.

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Camila woke up in an apartment unfamiliar to hers. She looked around groggily and groaned. She was really tired. She sat up once she felt that the bed was empty?

A whole lot of thoughts went on through her mind. Did she just have another one night stand!? She felt like she was on the verge of tears. She's been doing so good, since she's met Lauren. Lauren. Eyes went wide at the thought of her name.

Camila sprung out of the bed, hastily walking towards the bedroom door. Once she opened it, she was met with the mouth watering smell of bacon, and pancakes? Maybe even eggs? She wasn't even sure, there were a lot of aromas. Not even caring anymore, she walked down the spiral staircase.

Then she realized spiral stairs.

Lauren has spiral stairs. She smiled wide once she heard her husky voice singing.

You so Damn important,
Everything you do shows me you know it,
Behind it all you are the motive.
Don't tell you enough but baby I'll show it, show it.

Camila walked up, and wrapped her arms around Lauren from behind. Resting her chin on the girls shoulder sighing in relief. Camila didn't notice her morning wood, but Lauren sure did.

"Well I know for a fact that's not your remote this time." Lauren laughed, turning her head to plant a kiss on Camila's now flushed cheek.

"Sorry." Camila mumbled, trying to detach herself from Lauren, the raven haired girl only shook her head, turning around before pressing herself into her more.

"I'm not." Lauren said, her lip now between her teeth.

Camila gulped, feeling herself get harder once Lauren leans back slightly to smoothly guide her hand to the hardened member. "I-I.."

"Does Sebastian wanna come out?" Lauren teased huskily, her hand palming the girl through her boxers. "I can help him." She winked expertly and Camila stood there with wide eyes, not sure what to say.

Lauren giggled then gave Camila a quick peck. "Go sit down, breakfast is almost ready." She ordered, before turning back around and fixing the eggs. Camila still flustered, slowly walked over to the table silently begging for her arousal to go away.


Smiling that Camila finally got her number before she went home, she immediately texted her. To remind her of their date they had later on today.

Date today, make sure your lovely self is ready by 6. (:

I swear monkey, if you remind me one more time I'm literally going to rain check.

Don't be like that, I'm just excited to see you :P

You literally seen me like 5 hours ago.

Man, I'm over here trying to be all cute and missing you but your sarcasm ruins it.

Well I'm just reminding you(x you'll be seeing me in like 35 minutes.

34 now.

Oh my god, I'm going to stop texting you now.

I swear, I'm gonna come over early if you don't reply anymore.

Why did you leave my home in the first place? You should just pack a suitcase full of clothes and leave em here.

Ahh are you asking me to move in?

Not yet at least, but it'll be like a hotel experience. We can see how it goes :D

I can agree to that. I'll bring stuff over today(:

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