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"You need to leave Camila. I'm going to call the cops if you don't."

Camila scoffed in disbelief. "You wouldn't, now let me talk to Lauren."

"No Camila." Tori said sternly, crossing her arms.

"Why not!? She's not even your property to be restricting me from."

"Apparently not yours either huh? I don't even know what she saw in you." Tori said with a eye roll.

"Youre just mad because Lauren chose me over you."

"Of course I am, she left a proposal that would've last forever just to be with someone who treats her like shit."

By now Camila's blood was boiling. "You d-"

"No wait, I'm not finished. Someone who treats her like shit, and fucks around with random skanks. You don't deserve her you know? I made her cry yeah, but that was because she told me to follow my dreams. You made her cry because you can't commit. You swear like you can do whatever the fuck you wan-"

"I can do whatever the fuck I want." Camila said through gritted teeth.

"Obviously not the right things." Tori deadpanned. "Your such a joke. I don't even know why I let Lauren go to you."

"I don't fucking need this." Camila spat angrily, turning around and walking downstairs.

In situations like these, she did what she does best.


"Wow, that was better than last time." The girl said out of breath. Chests were heaving, and Camila was still angry. "Hey are you alright?" Hailee asked.

Camila didn't even notice the tears flowing down her cheeks. "Get out please." Camila said barely above a whisper.

"Why? We just had sex and your gonna throw me out like one of your skanks?" Skank. Tori was right.

"Because you are just one of my skanks. Please get out."

"No I'm-"

"This was a fucking mistake hailee. Get the fuck out." She spat, regret laced in her voice. "This wasn't supposed to happen."

"You know what Camila, fuck you."

"I know." Camila said, hands on her face.

"Chanch, Lauren said-" Camilas eyes widened at the sound of her loves name. She wished she could have taken this moment back, but it was already too late. Dinah walked in seeing a half naked Hailee just leaving. "Wow. I thought you changed Camila." Dinah said disappointed, walking out of the girls room. Camila quickly got up, wrapping herself in a blanket and running after Dinah.

"China please don't tell Lauren." Camila begged.

"I won't." Dinah said, Camila sighed in relief until her next words. "But you will."


"No Camila. You love her huh? You have a funny way of showing it. If you say you want this like you claim you do, you better fucking man up and stop thinking with Sebastian." Dinah shook her head, laughing bitterly. "Fuck Camila. You see how much of an impact she's had on me, I fucking call your dick Sebastian now. Don't fuck up my friendship with her, because if I had to choose now. I'd choose her."

Camila was on the verge of sobbing, she didn't know what to do, but her friend did. "I'm sleeping over at Laurens for a while, I'm sorry but I just can't be in the same room as you. You've done some fucked up shit before Chanch. But this is way over the line." She stated bluntly, locking herself in her room.

Camila sat on the couch, with her head in her hands. She fucked up for the 100th time. What did she do this time? Get angry and run away to something that started more problems. Camila knew she fucked up once she called the girl but she couldn't stop herself. She just wanted to feel something other than anger.
Now she's left with out the girl who sacrificed things for her. She left someone purposefully to be with her, she left someone who actually made her feel good about herself. Like she actually was doing something right. But what did she fuck it up over? Her not being able to control herself, now she just made it worse.

She felt guilty and remorseful. She wanted nothing more than to just hug Lauren and comfort her. To tell her everything was going to be alright, but she probably lost that privilege now, and she is deeply saddened by the thought.

Camila perked up once she heard a door open. Dinahs door.

She looked over and her friend was lugging a suitcase, not making any effort to acknowledge she was there.


No answer.

"China please?"

Again no answer.

"Can you at least tell Lauren I love her?"

That made Dinah stop, she turned around and gave Camila an unimpressed look. "I don't think you have the right to say that to her now."
Camila stood up, following Dinah as she continued to the door.

"Please let her know Cheech."

"No Camila. I'd rather save her the heartbreak. You take care of yourself, and please use this time to think, and I mean actually think." With that, she exited, leaving a Camila who finally broke down crying with her head against the now closed door, in the now sad and empty apartment.


Lauren slowly started to stir awake. Her eyes felt heavy and she felt comfortable. Once she was wide awake, she noticed arms wrapped around her. Looking up she met bright brown eyes she was so familiar with, accompanied by a sad smile.
"Did I wake you?"

Lauren shook her head, giving Tori a lazy smile. "No, you are comfy though." Lauren said snuggling into the crook of Tori's neck. Lauren sighed, taking in the scent of vanilla Tori always seemed to have lingering around her that she loved so much. "I'm sorry for throwing all my problems on your shoulders, even after it was about someone you probably didn't want to hear about."

Tori lightly traced down Laurens spine, just the way she knew she liked it. A soothing gesture Lauren always loved. "It's fine really, I said I'd always be here for you. I intend on keeping that promise."

"You're too good to me, I swear." Lauren said in disbelief, leaving a kiss against her warm neck. "I don't think I'd be able to live without you."

"Well, it's been two years, I don't think I'd be able to live without me either. I kinda like myself." Tori said with a cheeky grin.

Lauren giggled at that, wrapping her arms around Tori tighter. "I missed you."

"I missed you more."


Okay so like this chapter has me low key mad at Camila, even though I had all the power in which I directed what was happening. I kind of made myself ship Tauren xD  thanks for reading! And please vote and comment(: till next time!

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