First Day Of School

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-y/n POV-

I woke up at 7:00 am for school, i got my  clothes on, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, got my book pack, got my shoes on and left the house. I was walking down the sidewalk since the school is like 1 and half blocks away. I heard some yelling so I turned my head to see Kyle. I gave him a warm smile as he was catching up. He finally ran up and and he said "Morning!" And I said the same thing. We just talked about the day and how me and him have the same homeroom,to make that better, all his friends were in the same homeroom! I couldn't wait to meet his other friends! I only met Kyle and Cartman. Or should I say Eric! Heh.,. We finally reached school so we went to our lockers. Kyle's locker was only 5 lockers down from me. I got my books and headed to class. My first class is English 105. GREAT 😣 I suck at English! On the other hand.... Kyle is so good at English 😅 I was listening to the lesson when the teacher said he had to go to the restroom, so he said we could mingle. I was looking out the window since I sit right by the window when someone called my name. "Hi! My name is Bebe!" Someone said. "Umm hi! I'm y/n!" I gave her a warm smile when someone said "She looks nice guys! Didn't Kyle said he met her?" Some one said. Kyle walked up to me and introduced me to his other friends.
"I'm Token"
"I'm Kenny"
" I'm Craig"
And the boys kept on going on with their names. When they were finished I said "hi! I'm y/n!" I said with a big warm smile. I didn't notice that one or two boys are blushing. I looked back down at my paper where i was drawing anime when Stan asked me what i was drawing. I held up my notebook when everyone saw it. Everyone awed and I was blushing. The bell rang and I said "hey guys, what class do you guys have next?"
"Math 101" -Stan
"French" -Cartman
"French" -Kenny
" Life science" -Kyle
"U.S history" -Token
"US history" -Tweek
And the rest had something else. I had French so I said "great! I'm with Cartman and Kenny! I have French, so I guess we'll be together!" I said with a smirk. We all headed out to our classes and I introduced myself to French class. My teacher asked me if I knew any French and I replied yes. I gave her some examples that the class didn't know yet. "I take French, Spanish and Russian" I said when people started to clap. I smiled and went back to sit next to Cartman and Kenny. They said "I didn't know you took 3 languages!"  "Uhh I do, I started when I was 7!" I exclaimed. Yet they just stared at me as I spoke all those 3 languages. That class was soon over, which means.... LUNCH TIME!! I went to the cafeteria and sat at a table. I didn't expect ALL the boys to sit with me. I smiled and they talked about the game i had. The popular girls came up to me and said "Hey did you want to sit with us? And not those boys! They're just a waste of time."  "You know we're right here" Stan said and i replied to the girls "umm" Kyle cut me off by saying "Y/n, go hang out with them, your a girl!"  And I said "umm no thanks Wendy! I'll stay here today" and she just stumped out. People were staring and just said 'What a great friend Y/n is' and I just gave them a smile. "Why did you do that? You could've been popular!" Kyle asked "because I want to hang out with my friends!" I smiled. We all just smiled and continued talking about the game. "Meet me at my house on Friday for a party" Cartman said "not with you fatass" Kyle said "IM BIG BONED! Can't you see that Jew?" Cartman fired back "CUT IT OUT YOU TWO! KYLE STOP CALLING HIM A FATASS AND CARTMAN STOP CALLING HIM JEW!" I exclaimed "yeah listen to Ms. y/n" Token said I turned my head and attacked token. Soon enough the whole cafeteria was fighting. Lunch was over and school was over. The boys walked me home just to make sure I'm 'safe' I went in my house and laid on I'm  bed. I turned my tv until bedtime. I went to bed and went to sleep. I dreamed about my years in this school. I woke up with a great big smile.

Hey guys! Hope you all enjoyed! Bai

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