Letter 11

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Dear Louis,

I couldn't find it.

I was looking all over my house for the last gift you gave me, but it was nowhere to be seen. That watch means the world to me, and I lost it.

I took it off this morning because it was raining out and I didn't want it to get wet. So I put it in my pocket for safe-keeping. I went to the store and did my thing, and I was walking back when I felt my pocket, and it wasn't there. I panicked, I nearly screamed even. I couldn't find it at all.

I retraced my steps, so intent on finding that little object that brings me so much joy. I looked in the store, on the shelves, on the sidewalk, but I couldn't see it.

When I went to cross the street, that's when I saw it, lying on the wet pavement, waiting to be crushed my an oncoming car. It was lucky enough to survive as long as it did.

However, before I could get it, before I could rush over and collect it and save it, a car came out of nowhere and drove by, smashing that beautiful thing into pieces. In a split second, my latest link to you was gone. I wasn't quick enough, and I hate myself for it.

I just couldn't find it.



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