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It takes the daisy and the red-petaled best friend a second to process what just happened.

"Oh my god!" The daisy shouts.
The red-petaled best friend stares in disbelief. After all, just a minute ago, his friend had been entering the door of death himself.

The two are rushed out of the room quickly by many doctors. They don't mind though. It's all to make sure the light in their lives keeps shining.

Jenna sits in the waiting room chairs, crying.

These are happy tears though.

The droplets spill over her eyelids, once, twice, a stream of happy.

He's alive. That's all that matters.

Tyler is alive.

Josh is crying as well. Happy tears too.
They both knew when Tyler woke up he would be in quite a bit of pain. But he was alive.

The daisy sits and thinks. Thinks of her flower. Her flower.

The first kiss. The night where everything tasted like pennies. The day spent washing tuna fish out of Tyler's mocha brown locks of hair. The crash. The endless nights spent up, trying to learn sign language to speak to him. All the bouquets of daisies and roses, the dance, picking out glasses for him after the weeds broke his old ones, the nightmares Tyler would get and the nights spent drying his tears. seeing his band preform live for the first time, the Taco Bell incident, all the stolen kisses and the three a.m drives. The proposal. Him.

Jenna loved Tyler. With all her heart. It was something she said many times beforehand. But the daisy never realized how much Tyler meant to her than when she almost lost him.

She almost lost him.


Tyler meant the most to Jenna. The daisy did a lot for the flower. And vice versa.

Tyler helped Jenna. Through her parents divorce. Through her own dark thoughts. Through her falling out with religion. Through the crash. He helped her walk again. He made her, her. Jenna was Jenna because of Tyler.

Without Tyler, Jenna would never have lived.

A nurse walks up to the two.
She nods, a silent signal, a conformation that her love is awake and ready to be seen.

The nurse starts to walk them down a long and winding hall. The daisy already knows where her flower is.

She runs. Runs faster then she used to run from her problems. From her father screaming at her mother, from home, from everything bad. Running to something better.


Josh and the nurse call after her. She does not hear. She slips off her tan heels, running barefoot as to become faster. Her lace shawl billows behind her. Her own platinum blond bob flows in the wind.

She sees it. His room. A glimpse of her love's mocha hair. The hair she runs her hands through every night, singing him a song of calm.

Her tears get thrown to the wind. Time seems to slow.

She reaches the open door.

There he sits. Still attached to many wires and tubes. But sitting up straight, looking out of the window. A cannula strings itself into his nostrils, providing him air that'd once been absent from him. His head turns. Turns to his flower.

His face lit up. His eyes spill over with tears. Jenna's eyes do as well. Tyler bears a grin on his face long forgotten to the nightmares and medications.

At last, the two flowers see each other once more.

"Jenna!" Tyler chokes out, tears spilling onto the pristine white sheets. He holds out his arms, extending them towards his love. Jenna runs to him.


Hold his face in her hands, he does the same. The passion and longing burns bright.


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