4: I Can't Do This Alone

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When I woke, my eyesight was blurry. I could only see the witch cutting stuff on a cutting board in the kitchen muttering to herself. I looked to see why I couldn't move when I gasped in horror. I saw a unconscious Vlad, sitting in a medium-sized cauldron with me. He had blood trickling down from head. My vision finally focused and my mind was getting sharp, I saw what that witch was going to do......She was going to eat us! She was still muttering to herself saying that she wasn't ugly, but the scariest part was that she was holding a knife and chopping things that go into soup. I tried to get up but couldn't because of Vlad, who was taking up all the room, I looked at him again...his face......it was scrunched up and somehow he was crying in his sleep. A pang of sadness hit me deep down because I wasn't able to help him. I looked at the witch to see what she was doing, she was still cutting up vegetables. I knew that soon she was gonna turn around and see me awake and Vlad, having a nightmare. She then would either boil us alive or make me black out again.

I had to get out of this, I couldn't die yet....I still had to avenge my family. I looked around to see if there was anything I could easily grab and attack the witch with, I found a freaking rolling pin. I grabbed it right when the witch turned around and went downstairs to the basement. She left her wand on the counter. I closed my eyes as she walked by, she turned around and looked at Vlad, watching him. She then stroked his forehead and wiped of all the sweat off his forehead, she then said "Don't worry little boy it'll all be over soon".

Then she waddled downstairs, I opened up one eye and peered around, seeing that I was alone, I quickly propped Vlad, up with one arm then I lifted my legs out of the cauldron only stumbling a little bit, I then walked over too the cauldron ready to hit anyone square in the face if they opened up the door it would hit the witch right in the middle of her face. I looked to see if Vlad, was awake yet....and he was he looked like he was gonna have a panic attack there was dried tears on his face and he was looking for his attacker who had probably beaten him in his dream, he looked very scared 'cause he obviously had no idea where he was. He saw me staring at him and faced his head down hiding his golden eyes from me embarrassed that he was trying to keep himself from sobbing right then and there.

I then heard the clackety-clack of pointed shoes on a wooden staircase. I readied myself, ready to strike when the door opened. I did not hesitate, I hit her with all my might she fell back unconscious. I then walked over to Vlad, I hugged him ready to comfort him if he needed it.

"Vlad, I said, It's okay I knocked her out." He looked at me and brushed his bangs so as to hide his eyes from me. He hugged back but was silent we both stood there for a few minutes just holding each other then he finally said something in a choked up and quivery voice "I-I just d-don't understand, Angeni, why me?"

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