Too happy

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I lead North out to the car and get in, first opening the door for him. I sit on the drivers side and he grabs my hand again once I'm settled.

"North, I'm gonna need that hand to drive."

He moves his hand way silently and tilts his head slightly downward. I open HE glove box and pull out some candy and set in on his lap.

"Here, its for you"

He looks at it puzzled and opens up a strawberry candy and eats it. His eyes get a little bigger and the corners of his mouth turn slightly up wards. I chuckle and smile at him. His expression goes back to Normal and he tilts his head.

"It's nice to see you happy, you looked really depressed in there."

He looks at me again with his usual stoic expression. I smile and he grabs my hand.


He looks back at his candy using his other hand to eat. It's kinda cute but I need both hands to drive. I move my hand way and start the car. He furrows his brow slightly and scoots away a bit as if he's pouring or something.

I stop at a small clothing store and park as close as possible to the entrance. There is a huge lack of people in the parking lot, well that's good for us.

I pull a jacket I had from the back seat of my car and put it around North. He looks up again, his lips and tongue pink from the candy, and tilts his head.

"I don't want you to feel too self conscious about your hospital robes."

He nods, understanding. I step out of the car and open the door for the pale boy and he slowly gets out and looks around. I lock the car door and start walking towards the store when north grabs me wrist. I turn around and looks down at him.

"What is it? Is something wrong?"

He holds out his hand and waits.

"What? You want to hold my hand again?"

I ask and he nods quickly shaking his hand again in hopes I would grab it. I roll my eyes and grabs his hand lightly.

As we walk my mind starts to wonder. He has unbelievably small hands, like a child's. His nails are perfectly sculpted and skin soft. He looks at me with his crystal clear blue eyes and long, thick eyelashes. His expressionless stare is neither, bored nor tired but more innocent or curious. He seems so simple but yet so complex in his ways of movement. The way he holds my hand is more of trust then protection, he's not nervous, he's calm and mellow. Holding onto me just because he trust that I won't let go. He's so trusting, we've only just met. I must make sure others don't take advantage of him.

I open door for him and he steps inside, his face lighting up abut overwhelmed by the amour of clothing blocking his vision. I smile at him and say.

"Go ahead and pick out anything you'd like, don't worry about price I can handle it."

The only reason I can is cause the agency is sending me money to use to take care of him. He drags me up and down the isles showing me clothing comparing shirts and constantly putting things back. He looks at me with his eyebrows raised slightly in a worried fashion. He whispers softly.

"Pick out..for me?"

He ask latching onto my arm. I pat his head ruffling his white hair and pull out some clothing.

"Here try these on, the dressing room his over here."

I lead him to the dressing rooms and he looks at me again with the same worried expression.

"Do you need help?"

He nods a bit his cheeks pinker than before. we enter the dressing room and he takes the jacket off and reaching for the bow on the robes but can't seem to reach it.

"Come on North turn around."

He turns around and I untie the rob hanging it on one of the hooks. His skin is very fair and is all wrapped up in gauze and medical tape. It makes me sad to see this so I throw the white dress shirt on him and button it up. He smiles for the first time and watches my hands button it. I help him but on some black jeans and put a black and gray sweater vest over top. He turns around and looks in the mirror. His legs start shaking and teas form in his eyes. I hold his shoulders to make sure he doesn't fall.

"H-hey North?! What's wrong? Is it to tight? Do you not like it?"

He shakes his head and buries his face in so my chest. He sobs softly and shakes hard.


He sobs quietly into my chest for a few minutes, as I pa this head talking to him trying to calm him down.

In the end of our shopping adventure, he picks out, with my help, the one he is wearing, and decides to wear today, a black t-shirt with a white deer silhouette, a couple pairs of jeans, a navy blue hoodie, and a bit oversized long sleeved blue and black flannel. I tried to convince him to get one in his size but he insisted on the big one.

In the end he's happy, I'm happy and we both need a long nap.

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