29. I Know the Pain of a Heartbreak [edited]

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Vancouver, Canada, 2 months later

Getting back to reality was hard for Jensen.

After the accident in New York, Jensen watched Danneel walk into his apartment when he got back to the city and tell him that he will never see his daughter again.

That everything she said about being with Victoria was true that it was literally going to get Jensen and JJ killed.

Jensen shook his head as the director called for silence on the set.

Jared looked over at his friend, "You gonna be able to do this scene?"

"Shut up and just finish this scene." Jensen snorted back at Jared.

Jared nodded his head as the director called action.

After the scene, Jensen and Jared walked back to Jared's trailer to wait for the next scene that was going to be filmed later that night.

Jared looked down at his phone as it went off once more.

Jensen glanced back at him, "Is that Genevieve again?"

Jared nodded his head back at Jensen as he put the phone down, "She keeps asking me stupid little things. Like what color should the living room be. What color should we make the bathroom? Is there any chance we can change the carpet in the boys' room, it doesn't match the colors that are in the theme. It's getting fucking annoying."

"Did you just say here is the credit card, do whatever you want?"

"I have many times but no. she has to have me in the middle and I don't have this kinda time to deal with a new season of Supernatural and redecorating a house."

Jensen smiled back at him as he leaned back in the chair as their lunch was brought in for them.

Jared looked down at the food then back at Jensen, "How are things going with your house search?"

Jensen shook his head as he pushed around the stir fry that he had ordered for the day, "I bought a $3.2 million house in a nice neighborhood and I'm alone. I had some fancy decorator come in and do a room for JJ and nothing. I walk past the door and just wanna curl into a ball because she is gone."

Jared just looked back at him.

"I go home in the afternoon and sit down in the living room on the couch that was way too expensive and watch my oversized TV. Life just isn't what I thought was gonna happen."

"What did you think was gonna happen?" Jared looked down at his chicken.

"I thought I would have this massive house full of kids. I wanted someone to be happy with me. I wanted my life to be great again. I can only remember bits and pieces of my childhood and my teenage years. And then that's it up until JJ was born. I don't remember anything else."

Jared looked over at him.

"I need something to remember that is good. I just need something."

Jared nodded his head as Jensen got up with his food and left the trailer.

Jared sat back as Genevieve called him once more.

As Jensen walked into his trailer he saw the dog toy that was still in his trailer.

He sat down at the little table when his phone went off.

It was Danneel.

"She won't stop crying. She just won't stop crying!"

"Hey Danneel, just relax."

"Jensen, just make her stop!"

Jensen waited as Danneel gave the phone over to the crying toddler.

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